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~Chapter 8~
To My Long-Lost Lover 

"A love note?" Sal's gruff voice comes out from the other side of the door, your body slumped against the other side, "Did they at least leave their name or something?" 

You scribble down a quick 'Nope, and I don't want to know' before sliding the piece of paper under the door, resting your head against the wooden surface of the door. 

"Why not?" He questions passing the piece of paper back underneath the door, letting out a harsh cough that lasted several moments before it cleared up. 

'It's a long story', you hesitated, staring at the note in your hand before pushing it under the door. 

"We've got time, if you want to talk about it that is." the two of you sit in silence for several minutes before Sal speaks up again, "You don't have to tell me if you don't want-" lightly you hit the door, stopping him. Quiet shuffling is heard from the other side of the door before it opened and you fell backward. Sal stood above you, his hair was out of his normal pigtails, unbrushed under his hastily put on prosthetic. He sits down across from you as you pull yourself into a sitting position once again, Sal stared at you for several seconds before you let out a quiet sigh. 

With shaking hands you begin to sign to him, 'I'll keep it short, I'm not sure if I can get myself through the whole thing.' Taking a few deep breaths you place your hands to your face before pulling them away to continue. 'A bought a year ago I met this person, they were kind and we had similar interests. People always thought we were dating and eventually, we did.' pausing you stares at your shaking hands willing them to stop, 'They grew really possessive so eventually I broke it off with them and. And." You grasp shaking hands together as you drop your head to stare at your lap. 

Sal's places itself on your shoulder and you can't stop yourself from flinching, "You don't have to keep going if you don't want to (Name), I'm not forcing you to." 

With a shake of your head Sal's hand falls off your shoulder and you look up, 'They wouldn't stop following me, they were always there no matter where I went. They never left me alone.' In a quick motion, you brought your hands to your mouth to block out a mangled sob. 

A look of worry crossed Sal's eyes as he scooted towards you, "(First Name)?" 

After a few quiet breaths, you calmed yourself, not looking up from your lap as you attempted to shakingly sign to him. 'They threatened me, my family and one day it just stopped. My mom, she didn't, she didn't come home that night.' 

With quiet tears rolling down your cheeks you bury your face in the soft fabric of Sal's sweater.
Sal carefully placed his hands on your back, rubbing small circles into it. "Shh (Name)," he cooed as an attempt to calm your sobs. 

With a violent shake of your head, you pull yourself for his hold, staring him directly in the eyes, "My mom's gone because of them!" 

Sal gave a look of shock as you buried your face in his sweater once again, the first words you had spoken to him were you confessing that someone you once loved had murdered your mother out of jealousy. He chose to stay silent as you continued to sob into the fabric in his sweater. Carefully he resumed rubbing circles into your back until you eventually fell silent in his arms. With a careful bit of maneuvering so he didn't wake you he was able to grab the walkie talkie. A quiet bit of static came from the box as Sal pushed the button. 

"Larry, I need your help."

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