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~Chapter 9~

Touch him, I dare you

-Nearly one year later-

The roar of the broken air conditioner above you practically blocked out whatever Mrs. Packerton was saying to Travis before she sat back down at her desk. Sal sat in front of you, his head leaning against his hand as he doodled something on the page in front of him, his test already sat finished and graded. With a quiet sigh you stared back down at your test, familiar equations sat on the page, ones that you had spent hours studying with Sal.

Scribbling down answers, you glance back up at the sound of something plastic hitting wood, Sal's head now laid against the surface of his desk seemingly asleep. With a soft smile you turn back to the test, nearly finishing it in the time it took for Mrs. Packerton to realize Sal had fallen asleep.

"Excuse me, Mr. Fisher" Her rang out through the mostly silent room, Sal's head didn't move from its place against the desk.

"Sal, wake up" you whisper, reaching forward to lightly shake his shoulder. Sal's head finally lifted off of the desk. A sleepy 'huh?' came from behind his prosthetic as he glanced around.

"Get back to work (Last Name)" She called out as you drop your head back down to your paper. With a few minutes to spare you pass in your test and join the crowd of students as they rushed out of the classroom.

Taking your place beside Sal the two of you push yourselves against the lockers to wait for the others. The crowd clears and a set of footsteps stop to the left of Sal, "Hey freaks," glancing over you see Travis, his body was tense as he glared the two of you down.

Clenching your fists, you glare right back at him. Your blue-haired companion placed a hand on your arm to stop you from stepping towards him.

"Nobody likes a goody-two-shoes, Saaally Face." Travis sneers at the boy's actions, turning his glare from you to Sal.

"Nobody likes a cliché bully, Traaavis" Sal responds, his pigtails swaying ever so slightly as he talked.

A set of footsteps approached from behind you before another hand joined Sal's on your shoulder, "Don't you have something better to do?" Ashley questions as she takes her place beside you.

Travis takes a step towards you as his fists tighten, "Shut up Bitch! I wasn't talking to you."

Sneering at the blonde boy you take a step in front of Ashley, "You know if you took that stick out of your ass you may actually enjoy yourself for once. Maybe even make some friends" you quietly growl out.

Quickly the boy goes to take a large step towards you before Sal steps between. "Fuck off you f*ggot! I have more friends than you ever will!"

You can practically feel Sal roll his eyes, "You kiss your daddy with that tongue? I'm sure he-" The sound of skin on plastic rang through the empty hallway before Sal fell back on you. Clumsily you catch him, glaring down Travis as he rushed down the hall, his footsteps ringing off the wall.

"What the hell, asshole!" Ashley calls after him as you help Sal up to his feet, "Are you alright Sal?" she questions turning back to both of you.

Sal lightly runs his free hand over the side of the prosthetic that Travis had hit, while the other one clung to your arm. "Yea, I'm fine."

Ashley moves to his other side and places a hand on his shoulder, "Come on, let's report that jerk."

Sal simply shakes his head at Ashley's request, "No, it'll just make things worse, trust me. I've dealt with bigger bullies then Travis before."

Another time, Another place [Sally Face Reader Insert]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon