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Mark snores quietly on his bed. His sheets wrapped all over him. He hugs his pillow and groans. "BING!" Mark slowly opens his eyes..."Shit!" He read the messages Seán sent him. He quickly responds and bolts out of bed. He sets his phone on his nightstand and runs and takes a shower. He gets out and changes. He puts his clothes messily into his suitcase and grabs his stuff. A bag of Cheeze Itz and a water bottle. He gets in his car and speeds to the airport. At a stoplight he texts Seán
Mark: "almost there dude!"
Seán: "okie coolio!"
Mark: "meet me at the plushie shop!"
Seán: "ok see you there!"
Mark puts his phone away and speed more. He gets to the airport and hops off. He casually walks in and fixes his hair. He meets up with Sean at the plushie store and they greet each other warmly "Hey Seán! How you been?" Mark smiles warmly. Seán smiles "Hey! I've been good! How about you?" Mark and Seán make small talk as they get on the plane. Mark leads the way, carrying both if there suitcase, Seán carries, of course, the snacks. Mark pushed the suitcases on the scanner and Seán stuffs the snacks in a bag. Mark runs up to Seán and smiles. They both check in and get ready to hop on the plane "We need to wait like, thirty minutes or so" Seán says colt. Mark tenses up and grits his teeth ~I could have been sleeping all this time?!~ he thinks. He pouts and goes into the plane with Seán. He sits at there seats, in the middle, sitting next to each other. Mark takes the bag away from Seán and opens it up "Mark wait, we just got on the plane!" Seán laughs. Mark crosses his arms "Fine, I won't eat them" he sets them down and looks out the window 

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