A coincidence? / Y/N

15 1 2

You finish up the video and check your watch. You smiled and stand up "Time to go!" You get your suite case, some water bottles and a couple snacks. You gently put your laptop in the bag where the snacks and water is and you walk out. You lock your door and make sure you have everything. Getting into the car, you step in and close your door "Ugh traffic sucksss" you whine. You look up at see the airport, checking your watch you smile "Nice! Have some time to spare" he walk around and see a plushie, the same plushie Seán daw and you buy three of them "Eh why not! It's adorable anyways" you pay for them and hugs them tight. You check your stuff in and head to the plane. You walk in and Mark and Sean are in the seat across, but they are turned. You plop down and sighs. Seán looks over and nudges Mark "That's the plushie I was talking about!" Mark smiles at Seán "It's adorable!" You hear familiar whispers and look over and freak out inside ~Oh my gosh that's Mark and Sean! And they are talking about my plushie!!~ you think excitedly and take two of the plushies and hand them towards them "Hey I have extra and I don't really have a use for them, you guys can have them" Seán looks stunned and excited, he gently takes the plushies and hands one to Mark "Oh my gosh! Thank you so much! What's your name?" Mark looks at you and smiles warmly "M-My name?" Mark smiles "Yes your name"he smiles a little more. "W-Well, m-my name i-is *your name*" Seán perks up "Thats a beautiful name!" Mark looks at you and nods "It really is, wanna trade names?" You laugh and smile "If you'd like" you laugh a little more and Seán smiles and looks forward "well we're going to be here a while, might as well get comfortable with each other, I'm sure you know our names" he smiles sweetly and you blush. "Y-Yeah..I do.." mark puts out his hand "Well it's nice to meet you, your very sweet" you blush more and smiles ~Am I dreaming?! I have to be, this isn't real..don't believe it~ you think. The more you think, the more real it becomes. Mind racing, you make pointless connections, ones that don't make a lick of sense. You make them anyways, ~Oh my gosh!~ you think, "ITS FATE!" You blank out for a couple seconds before saying that. Everyone looks at worriedly. Mark puts his hand on your shoulder "You ok?" Your heart melts a little, you sit back down and nod. "Yeah sorry, just this movie thing" Seán nods "I get that, happens to the best of us" he smiles softly

Who will you choose?Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ