Shiritori (Japanese Word Game)

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Note: The comic or manga books in the Philippines are in Tagalog/Filipino, so I translated it to English, so you, reader, can read it.
Also,  enjoy this music I really love the most.


In Shizuka's house, Shizuka showed them her drawing of a pegasus. "You're really good at drawing like this horse with wings." Nobita spoke, dumbfounded. Suneo laughed at what he said, "That animal is called a Pegasus, horse with wings, hahaha!"

Shizuka told them something like a little more of a backstory, "When I was still little, I thought that there was a real Pegasus. Sometimes in my dreams, I was riding a Pegasus while flying through the air."

Suneo smiled "You're dream is beautiful." Nobita counted on that.

Suneo said that he will make her dream come true, even if it shows only the half of the dream. He said "My father has a friend who owns a farm and he also had a horse named Pegasus! The horse is also white so you can ride it if you want."

Shizuka stood up and agreed happily, "Really? Ok, I want to!"

But Nobita complained angrily, "That's not good, I will ride you in a REAL Pegasus!" So he marched home and looked for Doraemon...


When he entered his room, Doraemon wasn't there, but he can only see a cute little cat in the middle of the room. Before Nobita could even get close to at touching it, it changed and turned into a jet or "Concordo" in japanese. Nobita shouted, surprised. "A Concordo!"

Just then it changed again to a blue cat. "Doraemon!" Nobita said, not knowing what was happening to him. He's thinking that's he just dreaming or is it real? NO, It was real, so he shook his head. "How did you?" he asked softly.

Doraemon spoke, "I heard a mouse above the ceiling so I changed my figure into a cat so the mouse will run away."

Nobita quickly stood in front of Doraemon, "Can you really change in any figure? Really? I want to be a Pegasus so Shizuka can ride me!" he said, excited.

Without a second thinking, Doraemon quickly went to the time machine, "I don't care. I need to go!" But Nobita cried as he was holding Doraemon's right leg, "But I already promised to them!"

Doraemon frowned, and sighed, it was his job to take care of him, so he doesn't have any choice, so he took out a gadget in his dimensional pocket and a bottle glass full of capsules. "It's a Figure-Changing Capsule!" he continued, but then he was like thinking, "Hmm, I don't think that you don't know how to use this."

Nobita smiled and said to him, "You're just going to eat it and you're going to change right?"

Doraemon spoke to him, not really sure of what he was saying, "It's not just changing figures easily, when you say a word, you're figure will change. If changing into another figure, think of a word that starts with the last letter of the word you've used or you're in that figure."

Nobita asked "Shiritori?"


Note: This words are from Japan...


Doraemon continued speaking, "First thing is to close your eyes and eat this capsule. Then open your eyes, the first thing you see will be your first figure. A while ago, this Doa (Door) is the first thing I saw. From the Doa (door), then to Asagao (Flower), then Okane (Money) and then to Neko (Cat). From Neko (Cat) to Concordo (Concorde) to Doraemon."

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