Web Puzzle

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NOTE: Okay, time to continue finishing Vol. 28 to make a next step forward. ;)


Nobi was running on a road, he was holding a some sort of like some tied rope, or something. "I did it! Finally! I've been making this web puzzle of a galaxy for 3 months!"

When he got at the vacant lot, his friends were there, "Hey guys! Do you want to know how to make a web puzzle?"

No one answered, but walked out of the vacant lot, leaving Nobi alone, "Why did they walked away?"


When he got back home, he was very angry, "This web puzzle is really cool, why don't they try it?!?" Doraemon, who was sitting near the closet, was just quiet as Nobi laid down on his cushion.

After a few minutes, someone shouted from downstairs, "Really? You're making me feel happy!!!" his mom shouted. They went downstairs and their mom was on the phone, happily talking to the person who was on it. "Yes! Yes! Thank you so much!"

He put the phone down and Nobi asked, "Who is that?"

"It's my teacher of Flower Arrangement. They've put my flowers on the Department Store. The head of school loved the flowers and my teacher was really happy because she taught me how to make the flower arrangement."

Nobi was surprised, "Is the head of school higher than a teacher?" Nobi's mom was really happy, almost like she wanted to dance, "Every school has a high position."

Doraemon and Nobi went back upstairs, "Is that what they called 'Maestro'?" Doraemon nodded, "That's it."

Nobi and Doraemon stood back in their room, "If the web puzzle is popular like the flower arrangement or tea ceremony, I'll also be a Web Puzzle Maestro." Doraemon stood from his seat and started searching from hsi pocket, "Your wish may happen." Nobi gasped, "Really?"

He took out a tiny wooden board, with some japanese writings from below, saying, "Master" in japanese, "A sign that shows the master of something..."

Doraemon smiled, "Just write your name from above and you can be a master of anything you want." Nobi examined the board, it looks like a year old, "This thing is dirty." he frowned.

Doraemon wrote his name above the board, saying "Maestro of Web Puzzle, Nobi Nobita"

"What dirty? This thing has been used for years, that's why it's old and dirty."

He took the board and went outside, Nobi followed him. Doraemon placed the board outside their home, Nobi watched him in confusion as he placed it. "Are you sure that's a good idea."

Doraemon winked at him, "Trust me! I'll teach you!" Nobi frowned again, not realizing he was telling the truth, "Your helping me but I don't think you can teach me."

They went back to their room and he bought out 2 big balls of yarn in different color, with a pair of scissors. "What's that?" Nobi asked. "This is used for the new technique in this age. The first timers use white ribbons and others are black."

Nobi looked at the window, he saw Shizuka outside, looking at the board, "Look! It's Shizuka!"

Shizuka looked at the board, she covered her mouth, "I was just going to buy a manga book." Instead of buying a manga book, she went in Nobi's house. Nobi quickly ran downstairs, arriving on time. "Come on in!" he happily shouted.

He took Shizuka and went in the room, he explained everything, about the web puzzle and others. "Web puzzle?" she asked. "That's right!" Nobi giggled. "Well, it's good to have you here. Thank you very much."

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