Penalty Gadget

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Nobita went inside, looking like he been hitted by something. Nobita pointed at his head "Giant punched me in the head" but Doraemon started reading and said "Oh, ok." But Nobita was quiet for a while and then shouted "I said something, but why didn't you react!" but Doraemon threw his book and said "It's your fault! You don't know how to fight!"

But Nobita was silent and said "Oh, am I always going to get beaten up by Giant?" so he had a rest and said "Why am I weak?" but Doraemon started looking for a gadget and said " How pity." So Doraemon showed his gadget "Penalty Gadget!"

Nobita asked him "Penalty? What's that?" Doraemon answered "Penalty is the thing that when someone did something to you, they need to pay the price. Example, if Giant bullies you, you can pay him 100 yen each punch." but Nobita raised his hand and said "That's useless! Giant doesn't have any money!" but Doraemon wanted to try it.

So they went out to the space lot and saw Giant sitting at the 3 pipes. So Doraemon said "Target the antenna to Giant and he's going the gadget's going to follow him everywhere he goes." So he pushed Nobita near to Giant. Giant said " Hey you! My day is really bad, it's like I want to punch somebody!" and then he punched Nobita on the head.

So Nobita went back and said "I got punched, what now?" Doraemon looked at the gadget and named the price, 100 yen. "Then you click the button and the money will go out here." So Nobita clicked the button and 100 yen popped out of the hole.

Nobita was happy, since he has money now so he wanted to try it again. But Doraemon stopped him and said "You don't want to do it accidentally!" but Nobita thought of something and said "But wait, where did this money come from?" so Doraemon answered "Giant paid for it. He didn't know that he lost some items that costs 100 yen." so Nobita was happy and they showed it to his friends

"So now, it's okay to get punched everytime! 100 yen per punch!" but Suneo asked "What if the punch is stronger? Is it still 100 yen?" so Doraemon change the settings: Punch 100 yen, Kick 120 yen!

So Doraemon said to them"I'll just put this in the garden!" so his friends wanted to be punched, so they can earn money.

Back at the vacant lot, Giant was confused because there are kids appearing near him "Hey! Why are you are all in here!?" but the kid said "We just wanted to." Then, Suneo was raging and said "Giant! Give me back my Manga Book!" but Giant stand up and said "I don't want to bring back your manga book! Aren't you scared of me? You want to get punched?!" but Suneo was just standing there happily. Then he got punched and he showed it to his friends "Oh, that's how the technique works!"

So the two kids shouted at Giant "Hey Giant! Give us back our books!" so Giant punched them and the two kids were happily going to Nobita's house.

At Giant's house, he went in and said "I can't do anything, I'll just read some of these manga books." so he took the manga books from the closet and started reading.

Back at Nobita's house, Suneo went in and tried to get his money, which was only 70 yen. At Giant's house, Giant said "Huh? Where's the ending of this manga?"

At Nobita's house again, the two kids came and went to get their money, which was 1,340 yen for the two of them! Then at Giant's, Giant was shocked and said "What?!! Where's the 4 manga books?! I'm just the only one in this room!"

At Nobita's, Suneo and the two friends went back to get punched again, and also. Nobita also joined but his mother caught him and said "I told you to do your homework, remember!" Nobita said as he was writing "While i'm here, those kids have been punching and getting more money! I'm sure they'll be rich!" but Doraemon was just depressed.

Giant said as he went through the road "I'll punch everyone! Everyone I see will get punched!" and that's when the time Suneo and the two friends showed up "Me! Just punch me instead!" so they got punched and went back saying "Yehey! We're rich!"

Nobita was just looking at the window "Giant's punching them..." but Doraemon said to him "Do it faster! Come on Nobita!"

At Nobita's garden, Suneo said to the his two friends "Let's change the settings and the price even higher! Hehe..."

Giant saw a line of kids who wanted to get punched "So you're all lining? You're making even more angrier!" as he punched every kid on the line. But after that, Giant ran away and said "I can't take it anymore! I'm tired!" but as he ran away, every clothing he was wearing was disappearing. First, his shoes. Then, his pants. Then he was shocked, showing only his underwear, Giant said "Waaah! Am I dreaming!?!?"

Nobita was done with his homework but they saw Giant running back home, and he doesn't have any clothing.

Doraemon said to Nobita "Oh no! Giant doesn't have any more money because he ran out of materials. So there's no more money going out of the machine! Sorry Nobita! There's nothing going to happen if you still got punched!" while Nobita looked sad. :(


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