Chapter 14 (✔️)

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Hope POV: 
When I woke up I decided to go gets some  breakfast. I got out of the bed and walked to the cafeteria. My plan was to get breakfast and surprise Josie.

I just got our breakfast when I ran into Penelope. She looked what I was holding and smirked "wow, getting breakfast for Josie...How original" she said and rolled her eyes. "What do you want Penelope? " I asked seriously.

She looked at her feet for a second before saying "I want to know why? And how long? " I smirked knowing that was a good time to tease her about it "well... I guess you were just too boring for her... And how long? Since that awesome last summer party when we hooked up". She looked so angry and just walked away.

I smiled to myself thinking I have won this argument and walked to her room. When I got there Josie was still asleep, so I climbed on her and started kissing her and after  a few seconds she was kissing back. I pulled away and gave her breakfast. She looked so happy and I was happy too.

I knew it was a good time to ask her a question I wanted to ask. "Josie.... You know there is awesome movie playing at the cinema... And I wanted to know if you would like to go with me.... Like a date...? " I finally got it out. She thought for a second and nodded her head happily. I was so happy and I couldn't believe it for a second, I'm going on a date with Josie Saltzman.

I gave her a kiss and went to wash my hands. When I came back to the room Josie was already ready and we went to throw the trash out. As we were walking we were holding hands smiling at each other.

People were confused looking at us, mostly at our hands. Sometimes we messed around with them and even kissed. We were so happy and I knew I wanted to be with her forever. But something told me she wasn't over Penelope. And I am going to change that.

Do you ship Jade/Josie?
A: I kinda do, maybe I'll write something...

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