Chapter Three

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 Time: 8:00AM

My alarm went off signaling it was morning. My body felt stiff and I could definitely sleep longer if I wanted to, but I had business to do. I ignored the side affects of my medicine and went to take a shower and get ready for the day. While dressing I wondered if I should call before going to the police station or just call first and then go. I guess it didn't really matter. As I slipped my tennis shoes on I heard a loud thud from downstairs. A trigger of my by the way, but over the years I learned ways to calm myself so I wouldn't freak out. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath.

"Breath you're just paranoid. You'll go downstairs, take your medicine, and everything will be okay." I heard it again, but this time twice. Persuading myself wasn't going to work this time. Thoughts were racing through my head.

"Someone's here to get me. No you just need your medicine. Someone's here to get me. No you just need your medicine". I grabbed a pair of scissors from my dresser and slowly walked over to my bedroom door. I cracked it open and peeked out. I didn't see anything so I slowly walked out and down the stairs. The living room was clear and and so was the kitchen. I looked towards the basement door and saw it was cracked open. It's never open because I never have to go there unless the power goes out and I have to turn a breaker back on. My heart started to beat really fast. I stayed silent trying to hear a sound and I heard nothing.

"Kai you're just paranoid" I said to myself. I grabbed my medicine off the counter and it opened with a pop. I went to go grab a glass from the cabinet when I heard the basement door creak open. The thuds of my heart got louder again and I quickly went to grab a knife when a hand grabbed mine and another hand held a cloth to my face. The pills dropped and scattered on the floor. I screamed, cried and thrashed around trying to get away from this person, but they were too strong for me.

I felt myself getting weak and my eyes started to close. Soon enough everything was black and all my senses went away.


Pain was all I felt as I started to get my senses back. Aching pain ran through my body. Car. I was in a car because the smoothness of the rode made it feel like we were gliding. I Felt around and noticed I was laying on some kind of plastic. I then took notice to my hand and feet being tied and the tape on my mouth. I slowly opened my eyes and came in contact with darkness. Was it actually dark or was it the tint of the windows? I looked at the windows and saw some type of material over them. I tried moving, but my body still felt numb.

I wish he wouldn't have drugged me because then I would have counted the miles and kept up with the surrounding of outside. We started to slow down and then came to a full stop. I heard him step out of the car and I knew he was coming to get me next. The back doors opened and I saw it was sunset. He wore a mask so I couldn't see his face and gloves to cover his hands. Identical to the mask and gloves in my photo. He put a black bag over my face so I couldn't see, but I kept my eyes open hoping see something through the tiny hole of the bag. I'm pretty sure I was at a junkyard. It smelt like gasoline and rusty metal. I heard the sound of stuff being moved, but it wasn't coming from my kidnapper. Was someone here at this junkyard? Could they possibly work here? I tried to scream, but nothing came out. Not only was the tape stopping me, but my mouth felt dry and I was still weak.

"Bobby close the gate so no one comes in" he demanded. His voice was deep and sounded froggy like he smoked a pack a day.

"Yes s-sir" whoever Bobby was stuttered. 

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