Chapter Five

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Time: 12:00 AM

Police Station

"How many times do I have to tell you it's not like her to just run away". Riley was clearly agitated.

"I know sir, but it's just that the signs are leading us to think Kai ran away" The officer said.

"Kai has no reason to run away. Okay- so what her car, car keys, and camera are missing, but what about what I told you? What about the fact she said someone was stalking her and calling her, making threats. Someone kidnapped Kai and you dumbasses aren't doing anything about it! It's been almost three days now!" Riley screamed.

"You told us that her suspicion of someone stalking her was from her not taking her anxiety medicine. Should we really believe some kidnapped her if she's unstable?".

"What about the broken glass and the spilled pills?".

"Maybe a "F" you, you can't make me take my medicine so I'm running away".

"Now just make up shit up". Riley sucked his teeth and rolled his eyes.

"Listen, Kai being kidnapped isn't probable at this moment, so we're looking into her possibly running away. We'll have forensics sent out in a day or two for further investigation. Okay?".

"Will you at least put out a missing person report".

"I'll see what I can do".

Time: 6:00AM

New Reporter One: "Today on KDKA News we have a runaway case possibly a kidnapping case of twenty-one year old Kai Watson. There isn't much information about this case yet as police are still investigating. Her friend says "Kai has no reason to run away and I believe she was kidnapped". The police suspect this is a run away case being that Kai's car along with other valuables are missing. Kai is a 5'6 African-American female and her photo will also be uploaded to our website. We ask you to please keep a look out for a white Jeep Renegade and call us or the police station for any questions and suspicious.


"Kai wake up!" someone screamed. It was Emery. She woke to multiple voices talking. It sounded like the police as she heard one of the voices ask Damian about the last time he saw her. She could heard Damian's panicked voice asking the officers if they could speak inside his office over some coffee. The ceiling to the place they were concealed in had thin walls and she could hear everything that went on outside. Sometimes it was hard to sleep at night from all the moving , drilling, and hammering Damian did from late night work.

"He's dumb" she thought.

Out of places he could have kept her and Kai, he chose the busiest place, his car junkyard.

"Kai wake up!". Kai soon woke up asking what was going on.

"There's people outside. The walls down here are really thin, maybe if we scream they can hear us".

"Really?!" she exclaimed. The two girl started yelling at the top of their lungs praying the people outside would hear them. After a few screams they sat quiet listening out for the voices, hoping they would hear someone ask what was that.


The two girls sat staring at the walls. Freedom was at their fingertips, but they failed at grasping it. Their stomachs grumbled with hunger and they were patiently waiting for him to come with their breakfast.

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