Chapter Ten

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Time: 6:00AM

At some point in the morning I was woken up by doctors for an MRI. Riley wasn't by my side when I woke up and I felt a little disappointed.

"He went home to get some clothes. He'll be back soon" the doctor reassured. She must've saw my face.

"I had a question for you actually.." I drifted off.

"What is it".

"Is it possible to see my friend Emery today?".

"Of course. You guys both have your MRI's today and you'll get to ride in the elevator together". She smiled.

Wow. I really get to see Emery today. This would be our first time seeing each other face to face. I tried to get a look at her when were escaping, but it was either to dark or the sun was blinding me. Not to mention that I blacked out. A small smiled creeped onto my face. The nurse noticed and smirked at me. Is it really that obvious that I may have a small crush on Emery.

"Now let's see if you can walk".

The nurse placed a walker in front of me and I slowly sat up throwing my legs over the hospital bed. I wiggled my toes and swung my legs back in forth trying warm up my body. I placed my hand around the foamed covered bars and grabbed tightly onto the walker. I slid of the bed putting all my weight on the walker. I almost fell over, but luckily the nurse was there to catch me.

"Start off slowly. There's no rush" she reassured.

I felt the coldness of the floor through my socks. I took a small step and it felt so weird walking. I felt like a baby walking for the first time. Each step got easier and easier. Soon I was standing in front of the elevator waiting for it to arrive. I heard shuffling behind me and thought nothing of it. Probably nurses walking around doing their daily chores. A weak voice spoke and I knew it was her.

"Nice walker you got there. I think I have the same one" Emery jokes. I turned and came face to face with (sorry for being cliche) a beauty. Her curly hair was wild, but I didn't care. Her figure got skinner, but her features were still sharp and defined. She was smaller than me and I liked that. Her eyes, dark brown with a sparkle.

"Hi". Shyness took over. I wondered how I looked to her.

The elevator dinged signaling it was arrived at our floor. We slowly walked on with our nurses and watched them press buttons for the MRI floor.

"Kai" Emery called. I looked over at her questionaby.

"I just wanted to say that you're beautiful".

She smiled and her comment made me smiled too.

"Thank You. Promise me one thing though". I started to gain the confidence I never had back.

"What is it?".

"Promise me after this, you'll go out on a date with me".

Emery looked surprised and that slightly scared me. Was I being too bold? Too soon? But then she smiled and then she smirked. She reached out with her tiny hand and held up her pinky out to me.

I promise.

                                                                                             The End

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