Chapter Eight

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Talking... there shouldn't be talking inside the cell. Did Damian kidnap more people and stuff them inside my cell? My eyes fluttered open and close as I adjusted to my new surrounding. I tried to sit up, but body still felt weak.

"Kai!" I heard someone say, but I knew who that someone was. I looked over to see Riley and a few doctors looking at me.

"Riley!" I cried. I ignored the pain and sat up so I could hug my best friend. The warmth of his hug comforted me and I melted into his embrace.

"I missed you so so so so much!". He gave me kisses all over my face.

"I-I thought you were..". He stopped and broke down crying again.

"I am so sorry, I didn't mean to cause you any pain".

"Hey! Fuck that. Don't say anything like that ever again. I'm just glad you're safe and alive".

"Hey... what time is it? And what's the date?" I asked.

May 27th. 11:30AM.

Time: 12:00PM


Reporter One: Today on breaking news with KDKA the two missing females Kai Watson and Emery Thompson were found together at a Junkyard owned by Emery's ex boyfriend Damian.

Reporter Two: This sound like its out of a movie or something, but after investigating police were able to point this crime at Damian who has done something similar like this before.

Reporter One: Yes, Emery Thompson had filed for restraining order against Damian a few years back and he went against that order and held Emery captive before. Of course she went back to the police and Damian served some time in jail for that. The crazy thing is Damian also kidnapped Kai and forensics were able to compare a single hair found in her home to Damian's DNA that was kept on file.

Reporter Two: This is a very interesting story, something we haven't seen before. There's not much information to this case yet and police are still asking questions. But as soon as we understand the full story the public will be informed.

Reporter One: I forgot to mention that the two girls Kai Watson and Emery Thompson are safe and at the hospital for treatment. We will be back after this break.

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