Chapter Four

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The thought of having someone from the outside world know that I'm being kidnapped pained me. Was Bobby in on this too? Was he threatened by mystery name like I was? Bobby sounded so normal and kind, but knowing he was looking at me and not helping made me hate him.

I was placed in some type of cell or room and from what I could see there were other cells surrounding me. The masked man came walking past with food, but it wasn't for me.

He walked to the cell next to me and slid the food against the ground.

"Eat up" he demanded and then he walked over to my cell and stared at me and then laughed. He still had his mask on.

"You really fell for that kid... prank call bull huh? I thought maybe if I pretend, she would mind her business and we could all live a happy life, but you had to go snoop around your photos and figure everything out" he snickered.

"What" I cried. I couldn't fully comprehend what was happening most likely from being drugged.

"You saw something you weren't supposed to see Kai! So I followed you home, to the movies, and back home again. I watched you and it wasn't hard to find your number. I told you not to tell the police, but you didn't listen! Now look at you" he laughed.

So, I was right... Everything was connected, but I let my past fears and my best friend persuade me it was just my anxiety.

Am I wrong for thinking like this right now?

"You'll get food tonight or maybe tomorrow... I don't really care if you die. For now here's some water" he scoffed and walked away.

I didn't really feel like drinking the water, but I needed to. As I drank, tears started to roll down my eyes. The taste of water felt good as the coldness chilled my throat. Already having the idea of death in my head and hearing him say he didn't care if I died made me furious.

Could I have prevented this situation from the beginning?

"Hello" a tired voice said.

After having water my throat felt better and I was able to talk again.

"Hi" I said still groggily.

"What's your name".

"Kai- what about you" I replied.

"Emery Thompson". Emery saying her name confirmed everything for me.

"We have to get out of here" she cried.

I shook my head yes and realized she couldn't see me.

"Yeah... we do. How long have you been here".

"I think it's going on two days now. You can't really tell time when down here when it's dark all the time".

"Who's that guy? Bobby... I think his name is?". I needed to ask as much questions as I could.

"He works here. I don't blame him for not telling the police by now. Damian said he would give him a thousand dollars every week if he didn't. He has a sick mom and needs to pay her medical bills" she ranted.

"I'm his ex-girlfriend... Damian's not Bobby's so I know everything about this place. I was running from an abusive relationship, but he found me". These were all questions I was going to ask her.

"I'm here because I'm a witness to your kidnapping". I heard her gasp and could tell she remembered me.

"I remember seeing you in the distance holding a camera our way. I thought you were to far to see or hear me. I screamed... did you not here me?" she whimpered. Guilt was all I could feel now. I should've believed my heart when it screaming at me that that scream was full of terror and harm. But my past terrors and best friend got to me. Would we be in this situation if I would have searched around?

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