Chapter Nine

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Time: 12:35

"It's so crazy seeing myself on TV" I told Riley. He was sitting by my side holding my hand. Just then two people walked in with pens and notebooks, I'm guessing they were FBI agents or something.

"Hello Kai. I'm agent Brown and this is agent Henderson. If you're up to it now, we just have some questions to ask you" the woman spoke.

"Okay sure".

"We just want to understand this whole situation from your viewpoint" the man spoke next.

"Well one day, specifically May 23rd I was out taking pictures for an art project. I was taking a picture of an alleyway when I heard a scream. I thought nothing of it and supposed it was from a block party a few streets up. I then walked away a drove back home to meet up with my friend Ri" I started smiling at Riley.

"Me and him went to the movies and I noticed a white van outside. It was like as soon as I looked at it the person drove away. For next few days I started to get mysterious calls from someone, but they had some type of device that masked their voice. I had a conversation with Riley about all this, but he told me it was just my anxiety/panic disorder and I should start taking my medicine again. Not saying any of this is his fault because I believed it was too". I didn't notice I was crying, but there heavy tears falling down my eyes.

"I was editing those pictures when I noticed something strange. I zoomed in a few times on the image and saw that I had taken a picture of someone being kidnapped. When I called Riley that night and told him about it, he told me to call the police because the girl looked like Emery. The next morning when I was going to call the police- he was there and kidnapped me. It was until I got the junkyard that Damian confirmed the van and the calls were all him". My crying got more intense as my body started to shake and I felt like I couldn't breath. Riley got up and held me in his embrace telling me to take deep breath.

"Thank you so much. You are so brave and strong. God bless you" agent Henderson said. I smiled thanking him for his kind words.

"Thank you so much Kai. Get some rest and we'll be here again tomorrow".

Time: 1:00PM

"Do you know how Emery is doing" I asked Riley.

He was scarfing down a burger while I munched on a some apple sauce and water.

"She's doing good. I know you want to see, but you guys are both still weak so it'll at least be a few days before you see her again" he smirked.

"Why are you smirking like that".

"I see it all in your face.. You like her!" Riley screamed, tiny pieces of food flying from his mouth.

"One... eww, two... you don't know what you're talking about".


What can I say, me and Riley had a blast all night in that hospital room. With him I felt my energy being restored. It was like old times and how we would stay up all night, laugh, joke around, and be silly. There were a few times the doctors had to come in to check on us because Riley was being that crazy. I knew he was trying to keep my mind off things like the fact that I was kidnapped and I was thankful for that.

"Riley thank you for being here for me. You're my best friend and I wouldn't trade you for anything".

"I'll always be here for you. I love you Kai".

"I love you too".

For the first time I knew what time it was. A big alarm clock sat facing me on a counter. The bright green numbers and letter read 9:42PM. It felt good. All of this felt good.

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