Chapter Six

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Time: 5:00PM

Riley sat at Kai's kitchen counter staring at the investigation team do their work. A police officer stood writing stuff down and Riley took the chance to ask them a burning question he had.

"Excuse me. Did Kai ever call you guys about evidence she had regarding Emery Thompson?" Riley asked.

"No. wait she had evidence? What kind of evidence?".

"A photo. She was out taking pictures for a project and happen to be there at the time of the kidnapping. She didn't notice anything besides a scream-". Riley stopped talking. He realized everything Kai mentioned about hearing a scream, being watched, and threatened by someone made complete sense and could possibly connected.

"Can I see that photo". Riley pulled out a his phone showing the officer the downloaded image he had. The officer concentrated trying to put the puzzle pieces together.

"Detective! I think we have evidence that Kai was kidnapped and not a run" the officer exclaimed getting the attention of the head detective in charge.

"And where is this evidence".

"Well Riley just gave us new information that Kai had evidence for us regarding Emery Thompson. She was out taking pictures on the day of May 23rd very close to Emery's job. Kai said she heard a scream-"

"Which I told her was a bunch of kids at a block party she saw. Kai said someone was watching her in a van and was calling her making threats. I think it's safe to assume both Emery and her kidnapper saw Kai that day. Emery screamed trying to get her attention, but Kai ignored it and kept going. The kidnapper has every right to believe that Kai saw or would see this and call the police. " Riley finished. He started to think he should become a cop.

"But you said the phone calls were a bunch of kids".

"Yes because that's what she told me, but that could've been a way to fool Kai not to tell which didn't work".

"Detective I think we should look at this as a kidnapping".

"Fine. Let's wrap it up here. Go back to the station and run that tag. Riley we're done here. If we find anything we'll let you know".

"Okay, thanks". Riley was excited that the police would turn this over to a kidnapping case, but felt guilt because he didn't believe Kai and blamed it on her mental health.

Riley let the silence engulf him as he looked around Kai's house. It was lifeless without her. Riley smiled as he thought about the last moments spent with her. He missed her so much and he was praying that she would be found soon.

Most importantly alive.


"Well well well, what do we have here?" Damian asked.

I quickly jumped awake and let go of Emery's hand. I sat up and crawled away from the cell door. I wasn't sure of what Damian was capable of and that scared me.

"What you doing? Flirting with my girlfriend" Damian snickered. He wasn't just teasing me. He looked jealous and angry at me. You know what they say, if looks could kill I would be dead right now. Laying cold and bloody on the ground.

"Answer me!".

Why was he so angry? Did the idea of me taking his girlfriend or anyone for that matter scare him? Did it haunt it at night knowing that he was pushing her away and he was making it easier for someone else to come and pick her up?

I almost wanted to smirk in his face and say...

"Yeah I was flirting with your EX girlfriend. And when we get out of here it'll be me and her against the world". But I didn't of course. Trust me I had the balls to do it, but I'm trying to survive.

"Damian leave her alone! I was the one who wanted to hold her hand. It was me... take your anger out on me" Emery exclaimed.

"Oh so you're flirting with other people now...". He was getting emotional, he must really love her.

"I-I-I'm sorry. I didn't mean it". I knew she was just saying that so Damian could leave us alone, but for some reason my heart ached when she said it.

"You can leave me without a meal.. I don't deserve it, but please don't punish Kai for my wrong doings".

"You're right, you don't deserve a meal". He pushed a tray inside my cell and walked away with the other in his hand. I waited until I heard the door close so I could talk to Emery.

"You didn't have to do that".

"It's okay, I didn't want you to get hurt. He still loves me and I know he'll do anything to get me to love him again".

"I'm not eating".

"Why! You have to eat".

"If you're not eating then I'm not. Or you can take half of my sandwich".

"No. I want you to eat it all. Plus I still feel nauseous".

"Then like I said before I won't eat".

Time: 6:00AM

"A single hair found at Kai's house compared with Damian's DNA we have stored in our system matched. This is incredible. There was barely any evidence, a clean crime scene, but that single hair made a difference" the detective explained to Riley.

"Wow this is a miracle! When we you guys go and look for her?".

"In about an hour or so. I want you do something. Cooking, cleaning, whatever. I just want you to keep your mind off things until I call you. Okay?".


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