A new begining

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No sound ...... no light...
Where was I? Who was I? ....I have to remember. I have to wake up. I have to I have to!!

It was at that point my eyes flickered open. I was dazed and confused "Is this a classroom?" I mumbled out loud  trying to get my bearings on the situation. Just what was going on? I was extremely confused.

Still groggy from my slumber I gradually stood up and started to examine my surroundings. "Yup this is definitely a classroom. But what's this?"

My eyes turned to the window there appeared to be large pieces of metal bolted ontop of them "Wh-What the?" At this point I was highly concerned and even more confused but I knew deep down that panicking wouldn't help. I decided to look around this classroom before proceeding out the door. Who knows there might be something of value.

I looked back to the desk I had woken up at and noticed a small card lying on the surface of the desk. I picked it up in hopes it would help me get answers.

'Dear Sora Shonata, as a new student at hopes peak you will be expected to attend the welcome ceremony at the gym which will start at promptly 8:00 pm do not be late'

That was me Sora Shonata I was the ultimate journalist.

Other than the note there wasn't much left in the room. All the desks I checked where empty including the teachers. A monitor was placed in on of the corners in the room but it appeared to be turned off. But then again maybe it wasn't working it looked like a model I haven't seen with the strange coloring of it.There was a security camera that had the same collar scene it seemed to go with the monitor. But seeing as this is supposedly hopes peak it kinda made sense.

Lastly there was a clock reading 7:50. Wait wasn't the meeting time 8:00 I had to get going.

I quickly grabbed my bag off the chair I had left it on and bolted out the door. As soon as I took a step out into the hallway I noticed a shift in the atmosphere it felt almost creepy. Although that could just be because the walls are painted a bright purple and appear to be glowing. I'm sure it's just a trick of the light.

Despite feeling unnerved by the abnormal situation and decor I was able to push on. I kept walking down the hallway until I eventually found the gym!

I pulled open the door to find around fifteen other teenagers. I'm assuming they are also students here. I was so focused on the students I didn't even bother to look around the room.

"Hi" I said in a quiet voice while looking around at the others farher r in the room. After-all I didn't know if these people where friends or enemies "How are you all doing?" I asked in an attempted to start a conversation and get some valued information.

A girl from across the room scoffed. She had long red hair tied back in a ponytail. A pink baseball cap which was on backwards. A white t-shirt with a skull on it, with a sweatshirt tied around her waist. Lastly her trendy pair of blue jeans were ripped at the knees I couldn't tell if this was intentional or not "What do you mean how are we doing?! We don't know where we are or what's going on! What kinda idiot are you?!" The girl shouted in an upset voice she seemed extremely mad. That or she always had a temper.

A man with black shaggy hair that was wearing a police uniformed adorned with several badges was the next to speak "Hey now, lets calm down a bit! We don't know much be we could at least know each other's names!! My name is Yuu Tao ultimate police officer at your service!!" He said with calmness in his voice. He seemed used to being a leader and keeping things orderly.

The rude girl with red hair rolled her eyes which where in turn a shade of anger . "Well I guess I can waste my time to introduce myself! But ya better listen since I'm not going to repeat myself!! Got it?! The names Misaki akari ultimate dancer!! Though the smart ones would already know that!" She seemed very self absorbed.

Yuu smiles at Misaki "Nice to meet you! Alright whose next?" He asked still seeming happy despite us not knowing much about this situation.

"I guess I'll go." I stated calmly. I should follow Yuu's example. " My name is Sora Shonata I am know as the ultimate journalist." I decided not to waste much time sharing meaningless details. For the time being at least.

A girl with short pastel pink hair that draped to her shoulders and framed her face spoke up. She was wearing a sleeveless dress that sorta formed a heart around her chest . It was speckled in cute little golden hearts. "You know Sora your outfit is kinda boring! It's basically a school uniform! Seriously a plaid skirt a red shirt and a tie? I can help you fix it up if you want! Oh where are my manners my name is Katsuki Miku ultimate matchmaker nice to meet you!"

Ignoring the remarks about my more traditional outfit. The reason I wore an outfit like this was to get respect. I could already tell Katsuki was a nice person who was honest. Well I think anyway. Even for a journalist it's hard to read someone based on a short conversation.

"Oh, would it be okay if I went next?" A short boy with fluffy light green hair that seemed to stand up ever which way. Wearing a black shirt with the toxic symbol on it. He also wore bright yellow hazmat pants and goggles. "I'm Taeka Otari the ultimate scientist."

Another male person who was sitting in the middle of the floor near the corner of the room was the next to speak. Although he didn't make eye contact he seemed to actually care. It was strange he didn't even get out of his mediating stance. "Oooomm oooommm my name is Omar Takisha I'm the ultimate yoga expert I believe in coming up with healthy ways to a happy life." The yellowed hair male laughed. I noticed something odd about him besides his man bun all he was wearing was a pair of ripped jeans. He seemed to enjoy being free and not wearing constricting clothing.

A girl that had long black hair that flowed all the way to her waist. Wearing a white shirt with feathered sleeves, a black skirt and white tights, and a golden apron was the next to speak. "Could you at least put on something more fashionable? I can help after all I am Ayuma Fiyori the ultimate seamstress?" She smiled proudly at her talent.

A tall bald male wearing a shirt from some rock band and some skinny jeans spoke up. "Let him express himself however he wants!!! Woah!!! Yeah!!" He strummed his guitar "And you better not tell Konata Hinami the ultimate guitarist what to wear woah!!"
He said very loudly he seemed to only care about self expression.

My gaze turned to the other eight people in the room, the eight people who haven't introduced themselves. The rest of the group.

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