The next motive.

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The loud speaker once again woke me up from my slumber but this time it said something different than the usual good morning.

"Hello kiddos! Wakey wakey eggs and cakey I have a Special~ announcement for ya so come on down to the gym!" Monokuma said through the loud speakers with a laugh.

I sighed and begrudgingly got up. I quickly got dressed and headed over to the gym. Honestly I couldn't care less about this bear but I needed information.

By the time I got there Yuu and Amai had already arrived. It appeared everyone else was still getting ready.

Yuu gave a small wave. "Good morning Sora good job on coming here bright and early"

I chuckled. "Thanks but it's not like I had a choice" despite it only being a few days I felt close to these people. I guess being in a bad situation strengthens bonds.

It took about ten minutes but soon everyone arrived.

Sansa spoke in a nervous voice. "What did that bear do? What does he want?"

Koro sighed. "I'm not sure but I have a theory...I believe he has a motive for us since we had so much fun yesterday"

Katsuki's eyes filled with tears. "Does that mean it was my fault?"

Nica looked katsuki in the eyes. "No it's n—" she was soon interrupted by Misaki.

"Of course it wasn't your fault! It's that dumb bears fault!!!!" She yelled loudly

"Wow Misaki is being nice? Did I blow my ears out or something?" Taeka asked

"Everyone calm down!" Yuu yelled

"Yeah we should all calm down.." I repeated

"Puhuhuhu you won't be calm for long!" Monokuma laughed as he appeared.

"Ah!!" Ayuma screamed

"Wh-where did you come from?!" Taro asked also in a yell.

"I came from...Up my bum and around the corner!" Monokuma laughed

"That makes no sense!!!" Misaki yelled

Shota huffed. "Don't let this demonic bear posses ya!"

Okarito sighed. "He's not a demon he's an ugly tanuki!"

"I am none of those things!" Monokuma said angrily. "Now you punks listen up I have a motive for ya!"

"What is this motive?" I asked. I couldn't let the conversation get out of control.

Monokuma laughed again. "Well if you don't kill I will slowly turn up the heat each and every you burn to death!"

This statement sent everyone into a panic. "What do you want from us?!?! Why are we in this situation!!!" Shota yelled. "get the demon away!!!!"

"Shota calm down!" Yuu yelled loudly

"Yelling won't help" I stated

"Get away the demon could possess any of you!" Shota kept yelling.

Amai tried to approach him to calm him down but Shota ran off screaming.

"I shall do my best to calm him down!" Yuu yelled. He ran off after Shota.

Taro was staring at the ground. "I don't wanna die"

"You won't taro I won't let you" Toshi said. "Let me pilot you to freedom!"

I sighed. This would be a long few says and there was no doubt one of us would die. Either from the heat or the hands of another student.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2019 ⏰

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