Meeting the murderous monokuma!

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(Monokuma belongs to team danganronpa)

Once we had all laid eyes on the strange robotic bear we all immediately reacted. Although some of us reacted in very different ways. They majority of us just froze in place but Taro jumped into Toshi's arms probably because he was the closest. Taro seemed extremely scared while toshi seemed shocked not by the robotic bear but by the fact he was now holding someone.

The rest of us where just frozen in silence we had already realized this situation was weird but we didn't expect something like this to happen. The first person to break this silence was Koro.

"I have read about a lot of things but nothing like this! What are you what is this?" He asked in a panic.

Misaki was the next to speak "I don't know but why don't we tear it to shreds!!" She said harshly probably jumping to the conclusion the bear was responsible for this. Although I can't blame her.

"Oh ho ho ho I wouldn't do that" the bear started to speak "After all it's against the rules" it chuckled softly seeming happy with itself.

"Rules?" Yuu inquired about the situation I'll admit I was curious too. But I was more curious by the bear

"Yeah explain" I added while grabbing my notebook to write about this situation. All I wanted was information and information came from answers.

"Puhuhuhu" the bear started laughing "My name is Monokuma and I am your headmaster!" The strange monochrome bear said

Meno didn't seem to know what to say but it was hard to read him with his expressions being covered completely by a helmet "What is the meaning of this? You can't possibly be our headmaster my car is probably more complex than you" He said is a cocky voice he probably cared about his race car a lot.

Monokuma laughed again "NASA couldn't even control me puhuhuhu!" His smile grew even bigger

Taeka scoffed "I doubt that the scientists off space couldn't hack you." Takea seemed to not like the fact Monokuma said that.

Not wanting to let everyone derail the conversation I repeated myself lWhat are these rules you spoke of?" I asked Monokuma

Omar spoke up "And how do we get out of this place....this place is harshin my mellow?" He said still meditating well now it was more like trying.

Konata seemed to think this was a joke. Which I was secretly hoping it was "Yeaaaaaaahhhh!!! Little gag thingy bring the real headmaster out!!"

Monokuma seemed angry "I am the real headmaster! And to prove it look in your pockets there should be a small phone like device!!"

We all did what he said and noticed a small tablet the size of a phone labeled monotab. "Puhuhuhu if you turn it on you should see your names and a list of rules but first the only way to escape it to kill a classmate!"

This sentence filled us all with dread and worry. "K-kill? You can't be serious" Amai said nervously "there is no way we would kill!"

"Yeah! We should kill ya instead!" Misaki roared loudly she seemed to already hate Monokuma with a passion.

"Woah calm down let's not hurt anyone!" Yuu exclaimed while reaching for the gun in his holster. I know Amai said nobody would kill but we didn't know anything about these people. Maybe Yuu has killed someone before.

Most people seemed to be in panic...I was but I was determined to keep up my calm composure "There has to be a way out why don't we look around?"

Okatora nodded "Maybe there is some clue to my talent" He said in a sad voice no doubt he felt like an outsider. Being the only one without a talent.

"Hold on!" Meno shouted "In my races if you break a rule you get kicked out!"

Misaki scoffed "So?! What does that have to do with out situation?!" She seemed angry at monokuma but at the world.

Takea laughed "Well monokuma did say there where rules so maybe we should check them out. Though I doubt that thing could come up with good rules" The scientist said confidently no doubt he thought he knew everything since he was a scientist.

On that note we all up opened the monotab as Monokuma said it displayed my name. There was multiple screens I could select map, report card, gifts and rules. Obviously I went to rules first but I made a mental note of the map section.


Rule number one: you must not break anything like security cameras or gates

Rule number two: no harming the headmaster

Rule number three: sleeping any where outside of your dorm room will be considered as sleeping in class and will result in being punished

Rule number four: should a student want to escape they have to kill a classmate

Rule number five: night time lasts from 10:00pm-7;00am some rooms like the kitchen will be closed during this time

Rule number six: the headmaster May add more rules as needed


After reading all the rules I turned off the tablet and looked around the room almost everyone had finished reading the rules.

Yuu adjusted a metal pinned to his uniform "I suggest we split into groups while we explore just in case"

Misaki scoffed again "are you suggesting someone would try to kill me?! Someone who is as awesome as a god" Man this girl was conceded.

I sighed "No he never said that but just to be sure" At this point I was already fed up with Misaki so I was hoping I wouldn't be in a group with her.

Katsuki nodded "Seems like a good idea!!" She clearly just wanted a chance to socialize.

So we all split up into four groups
Katsuki, amai, Misaki, And Yuu

Sansa, takeo, toshi And nico

Koro, me, taro and Omar

Okatara, nico, konata, And Ayuma

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