Free time

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I didn't know how I slept so long but I heard the morning announcement go off. How did I sleep the whole night. I never sleep this much.

Today I finally changed my clothing and brushed my hair out. I needed to give a positive message to myself and the others I know Yuu can't do this by himself.

After grabbing my journal I walked off to the dining area. This time I was the last one here.

Omar ran up to me "I'm so glad you lived through the night friend!" He yelled out happily. While giving me a hug.

Yuu sighed "We don't have much to do today..." He didn't seem to have found a solution. I could tell by how he was speaking in a less confident way.

Katsuki smiled "Lets  get to know each other!! I think it would be a great idea" She seemed really happy with herself.

It was decided after we finished eating we would all go off with someone else and get to know them. I wonder who I will spend part of my day with. Now that I think about it I'll invite three people to hang out with me. That way nobody I don't need to fear that I'll be fine with just one person...I reminded myself.

After eating I noticed almost everyone else had left....maybe I'm a slow eater I got up and heading out looking for someone anyone. The first place I went to was the laundry room. I don't know why I went there but I figured there where magazines In the room  so someone might be in there.

I was right when I opened the door I noticed Misaki sitting on the floor reading a magazine. "Hello Misaki.."

"What do you want I'm trying to read" she asked seeming upset

"Wanna hang out?" I asked her

"Better than reading this stupid magazine" she said "So wanna interview me or something?"

I was confused why would she suggest that "huh?"

Misaki scoffed "Well you are a journalist! And I am a star soooo!"

I chuckled "alright fine. Uhh where are you from?"

Misaki smiled she seemed to enjoy this "I'm actually from Tokyo my house is pretty close to the school" She bragged.

"What was your house like?" I asked wanting to know more about her.

"Well it was big it had four floors...I had three floors to myself and the others in my family shared a floor" She didn't seem happy at this fact. I wondered why her home life had been like that. In fact I found it very strange.

"What was your family like?" I questioned while writing in my notebook. Who knows maybe this is of some value.

"Well...ummm they where very nice they always supported me and said good job. They ......always wanted me to be a dancer" I don't know what it was about that statement but something told me it was a lie. I decided to brush it off for now I didn't want to make any enemies

"Well how did it find your love for dancing?" I asked

Her eyes sparkled "It was a school play they needed a main character and nobody was applying so they took to background dancers and picked me! The rush of dancing on a stage for everyone was so amazing! I loved how they clapped and cheered so I continued to dance!"

"That's great Misaki!" I yelled "Hey can I see you dance?"

Misaki's eyes sparkled "Or you can dance with me! But first I have some questions for you!! Why are you always writing?"

I sighed "Well my family suffers from memory loss and I want to make sure I don't forget anything...even the little things"

Misaki didn't seem to have any more questions as She dragged me out into the hallway and twirled me "This will be so much fun I never dance with anyone!"

She twirled me again "Do you know how to waltz? I wanna waltz with my significant other someday I hope she loves dance as much as I do?"

"I don't know...perhaps you could teach me?" I said ignoring the fact Misaki said she. Does this mean she's gay?

Misaki giggles "Of course now move your feet like this and move in a square like movement" she said while demonstrating. She was a good teacher.

Without knowing what happened me and Misaki started waltzing with each other. Apparently I had spent three hours waltzing with her. It was now 12:00pm we had meant at 9:00am. I know because I wrote it down.

"That was fun" I said, gasping for air as I was tired.

"Dance is fun isn't it! Although it is only meant for amazing people!" She yelled "Guess that means your amazing" she smiled

I chuckled "Hey can we get something to drink from the kitchen I'm tired?" I asked

Misaki nodded "Sure!"

We walked towards the dining hall and opened the door as soon as we did despair filled the middle of the dining hall laid the body of our classmate Omar Taskisha...

His body laid face down in a puddle of his own blood...

Misaki immediately screamed as someone as she did Ayuma came rubbing with Amai following behind.

Monkuma's voice rang through the speakers "A body has been discovered please report to the cafeteria!"

The next thing I remember was the sound of several pairs of shoes rapidly hitting the floor as everyone was coming to the cafeteria..dining hall whatever you wanted to call it.

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