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"Aright now that we have the groups established I believe we should consider what rooms to explore." Yuu said happily he seemed to like playing the role of the leader.

Misaki scoffed again "Why can't we just explore whatever we want? I don't want to be with a loser!"

Sansa sighed "We are all ultimates I doubt we are losers" She didn't seem to like Misaki.

Misaki laughed "We aren't all ultimates what about Okataro! He doesn't have a talent!"

This remark seemed to hurt Okataro's feelings as he immediately started to tear up.

"Let's just get on with the exploring I know Misaki wants to escape so she can get away from us" I said in an attempt to get the ball rolling.

Yuu smiled "Yeah let's get going in thirty minutes we can a report to the dining area and converse while we eat!" 

I'll have to admit that didn't seem like a bad idea. Killing two birds with one stones.

Luckily I wasn't in a group with Misaki! As we have decided earlier I am in a group with Koro, Taro, and Omar are group has been assigned to explore the dormitories.

I walked over to Taro and smiled "You ready partner?" I asked calmly

Taro yawned while nodding "Yup!" Ya this time Koro and Omar walked over. In a few minutes we had made it to a corridor with a lot of doors in it. Each door had a golden name plate on it. My room was located in between Nico and Shota's. With Nico in the right and Shota on the left.

Tied around each door Handle was a key "Okay guys I am assuming all the dorms are the same so we should just check out mine for now" I said while reaching for the key.

Koro smiled "Seems like a good idea"

After grabbing the keys I unlocked the door and opened the room. Inside was a big bed with red sheets a dresser with four drawers and a desk with a pad of paper. There was also a trash can, a closet, and a door leading into the bathroom.

Inside the closet where five pairs of clothes identical to the ones I was wearing.

Omar smiled "I hope it's the same for me wearing the same clothes daily really helps me feel piece. Although I wonder why it would be like that for everyone."

Taro yawned "I don't really care I don't have time to change anyways"

Koro didn't seem to mind "Its like how people in some cultures live"

Scanning around my dorm once more I noticed a note taped to the back of the door. I picked it up and read it outloud "Attention students I figured you should know in the top drawer of your dresser is either a toolkit or a sewing kit. If your a male you would have gotten a toolkit females get a sewing kit and a map of the bodies vital organs. Oh and the shower turns off at nighttime!" My heart seemed to skip a beat "I can't believe I read that"

Omar screamed "I can't do this I can't stay calm in this environment!!" He sat on the floor and started meditating after a minute he stood up "I am sorry I'm fine now"

Koro sighed "Yeah we are all fine for now" what he said left a bad mood in the air. Not wanting to waist time we decide to continue.

What we found next was shocking it appeared to be a giant machine hidden by a huge gate. Since we couldn't tell what it was we moved on to the laundry room.

It looked like a standardized laundry room ten washers...but there where no dryers just clothes lines hanging from the roof. There was also a magazine rack in the corner full of magazines about Junko Enoshima.

We left that room and headed into the cafeteria noticing there where more tables and seats than needed I looked at the clock 9:00. Had it only been an hour. We quickly decided to have Omar check the kitchen while we waited for the others. Shortly everyone had arrived.

Yuu was the first to speak "Okay let's have each group share what they found! Sora go first"

"Well" I started to speak "We explored the whole dorm area...there are five extra sets of identical clothes In your closet. Either a tool box or sewing kit in your dresser."

Yuu nodded "Alright we will have the other dormitory group share now!"

Katsuki spoke for her group "We explored the laundry room and kitchen there where lots of washers but instead of dyers they had clothing lines. And there was a magazine rack. The kitchen clearly has extra tables well the dining portion anyways....there is also a lot of food that Monokuma apparently replaces often!"

Yuu nodded "Anything else about the dorms?"

Koro sighed "Well there was a strange machine but we couldn't check it out since it was locked behind a gate"

Yuu sighed "Oh well next group!"

The next person to speak up was Okataro "Since I don't know my talent I figure I should help there where about two empty classrooms...the only thing in there was desks, a clock, a trash bin, security cameras, a monitor, and I'm sure We all know about the windows. Actually Ayuma tried to get the metal off but it didn't work."

Then Toshi spoke "I feel the need to add about the locked nurses office and the strange red doors at the end off the hall. Other than that there was the gym, front entrance and the trophy hall but we have seen those already. Lastly I noticed a staircase blocked by a metal cage"

I wrote this all down while Yuu took charge "Very well good job everyone!"

Misaki rolled her eyes "Good job we are still trapped?!" She reminded us all of the situation we where all In...before anyone could respond the monitor turned on.

It showed a grainy image with a black silhouette of Monokuma "Please report to your rooms it is now night time" Monokuma spoke.

Being to afraid to defy him we all said goodnight some more rudely than others and proceeded to are rooms.

After making sure to lock the door I laid down in my bed. I didn't even bother to change my pajamas I didn't feel like it. Despite the situation I was still able to fall asleep.

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