Pool party!

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Katsuki said the pool party was in an hour. That gives me some free time. I wonder if I should hang out with someone. Actually it would probably be a good idea to get to know my classmates. I have an idea of an activity we can do but....who to do it with.

Okataro would be a good person to get to know. But how do I find Suddenly I got the idea to ask Monokuma lMonokuma  I know you can hear me! Do you know where Okataro is?"

Apparently I was right and monokuma did hear me. He appeared out of nowhere and said "Puhuhuhu he's in the library!"

Without saying a word I left monokuma alone and ran to the library to find Okataro looking at a stack of books.

"Hey Okataro!" I greeted him.

Okataro sighed "Hi"

"Is something wrong?" I questioned

"I still can't remember" he sighed

"Here come with me we can talk about"

"Okay I guess" Okataro stood up and started following me.

I led him down the stairs and to the weapons section of the warehouse.

"What are we doing here?!" Okataro asked in a scared voice

"Relocating these weapons do nobody uses them" I stated calmly "Now can you find me a backpack or something"

"S-Sure" He said before walking off to find a backpack. Soon he came back with a large red backpack.

"Okay I'll load the weapons while I ask you questions" I said while putting a knife into the backpack


"Yup I wanna help you with your memory! So what are your favorite activities?" I questioned

"Well I like going on picnics with my mother..we normally do out picnics at the beach....so we could go swimming afterward." He explained

"Oh...that sounds fun. Hey are you going to Katsuki's pool party?"

"Probably not I don't want to cry because of the pain." He said sadly

"Well what if it helps your memory?" I questioned

"Fine I guess I'll go....but you better be there just in case I start to cry."

"Alright. Hey I gotta go get ready see you then. Bye" I said while grabbing the backpack full of weapons

"Bye" He said seeming upset I was leaving. I wish I could stay longer but I have to dispose of these weapons. I waved at Okataro as I exited the warehouse. Since I didn't know who had the key to the incinerator I decided to just take the weapons to my room.

After walking to my room I realized I'd have to find a good place to stash them. Somewhere nobody can find them. After thinking for a bit I finally settled on the bathroom cabinet. After all nobody would poke around my bathroom cabinet. I hope.

After stuffing the backpack into the cabinet I went ahead and stacked some folded towels in front of it so it wouldn't be visible.

Then I looked at the clock in my room not wanting to be late for the pool party. Oh my I have ten minutes....

On that note I ran off to the locker room. I didn't want to be late. Luckily nobody else was in there so I can change in peace. I looked through all the swimsuits hanging on the rack and settled on a pale blue one piece.

I hastily changed into it hoping nobody would enter while I was changing. Wait there are security cameras in here aren't there? Well to late now. Besides I'm sure he's not watching.

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