Trial part two

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Everyone's gaze turned to Konata it was evident at this point he was starting to be the main suspect. After all to many things pointed to him.

Konata spoke in stutter "W-Wait someone stole my guitar to kill someone?"

Misaki scoffed as usual "Or you took the guitar and killed him!"

Sansa shook her head "No that doesn't make sense he's the one that brought up the fact his guitar was missing"

"So we don't know who stole the guitar" Yuu said seeming defeated "Guess it's game over." I was surprised a police officer would say that. And after all the time I knew Yuu he didn't seem like the type to give up"

"No!" I screamed "I think he brought that up just to keep the attention away from himself after he brought the guitar back to his room he probably noticed the pick was missing"

Yuu walked up to me and slapped me "You cannot issue that statement without any proof!"

My cheek stun, I was in shook I didn't know he would do this..."Konata hand me your music sheet" I said, after all that was the last thing I could think of.

He did as I said "See I couldn't have written this while I was killing someone"

I studied the handwriting and noticed some of the notes looked off it didn't even look like they were written on the looked almost rushed.

"Hey Yuu you know how to read handwriting right? Take a look at this" I handed him the piece of paper containing song.

"In a few cases I've helped detectives with...some people had faked letters or stories as an alibi it's easy to tell when writing is rushed. The lyric portion of this has a misspelled letter on every word" Yuu stated "Which is highly suspicious...considering all the effort he puts into his career as a guitarist."

"So that means Konata is the killer! Get him away from me!" Misaki yelled

"No I'm not the stupid killer! It's not me!" Konata yelled defensively

"Being defensive is often a sign of lying" Yuu stated.

"IM NOT LYING YOU ARE" Konata kept yelling loudly

Yuu gazed at me "Can you run over the events of the murder."

I nodded "Well Omar was supposed to meet up with Sansa and Amai at 12:00 but he never showed up. I theorize he went to the kitchen around 10:45 to get a snack or some like that. While he was in the dining area eating the killer had made there way into the kitchen grabbed the knife and walked over to Omar. Omar stood up from his seat and took a step back he was to nervous to move fast. And he was always a slow person. So the killer then lunges at him and stabs his stomach several times. The killer steps away while Omar tumbles over falling flat on his stomach..he starts bleeding out creating a puddle of blood underneath his body. The killer walks back to the kitchen washes the knife sets it back where he got it and grabbed his guitar he always bring with him. He stepped out into the dining hall and heard Omar trying to get up. Not wanting Omar to be able to get up he did the first thing he thought of whacking Omar with his guitar which caused the guitar pick to fall out and the death. This is supported by Takea's account of the wound. At this point the killer didn't know about the guitar pick. All he knew was he had to leave so he ran back to his room. This is when he cleaned himself up and probably noticed the guitar pick was missing. He knew since he had no alibi he would have to do something so he started quickly writing up a song. Not long after he finished the body discovery announcement went off. Not wanting to seem suspicious he brought up His missing guitar" I explained.

At this time Konata looked like he was about to blow a fuse "That's just stupid! Stupid! I wouldn't rush on a song I put everything into my songs!!!" He yelled defensively

"I don't know it does make sense" Amai states sadly.

"I knew it was him the whole time!" Misaki exclaimed.

"It's not me!!!" Konata shouted angrily.

"Such a shame we have to vote our friend guilty" Katsuki looked upset.

Monokuma looked really excited "Are you ready for voting"

Amai shook her head "Not really but I guess we have too"

Katsuki sighed "Yeah.....I guess he does deserve to be punished" Katsuki said mumbling the last part.

Yuu looked sad "I've never had to convict a friend before"

Even though we were all reluctant and sad we picked up the tablet attached to the podium by a magnet and voted.

Monokuma laughs "And the votes are in! The killer is Konata! You have all guessed correctly"

Konata just stood there looking at the ground "I'm sorry it's just he told me he to never play me guitar again and I didn't want Misaki to die."

Misaki looked confused "Eh? Why?"

Konata spoke immediately "Well Since I'm going to be executed I love you"

Misaki laughed then sighed "Oh I'm gay..."

Everyone looked at Misaki in shock.

"Is it true I'll hook you up with somebody" Katsuki said happy at the chance to set her classmate up.

Monokuma laughed "Let's give it everything we've got it's punishment time"

The tablets screen lit up showing a pixelated image of Konata being dragged away by Monokuma.

As if I'm cue A chain wrapped around the already crying Konata and dragged him into another room.

Where he was tied to a guitar. At this moment razor sharp guitar picks started falling from the sky and narrowly missed Konata.

Konata Both sobbed and screamed. But he soon was making no noise what-so-ever since a guitar pick had landed right onto his heart.

I couldn't help but cry..after all I had witnessed two deaths in a day. I kept glancing over at the others to make sure they where okay.

Yuu looked upset but he wasn't crying
Amai was sobbing...same with Ayuma
Katsuki was simply staring at the ground.

The red doors had already opened once again but nobody moved.

"I...can...believe this" Amai said in between sobs

"This is stupid...." Misaki said...without yelling for once...

After some time standing in silence Monokuma made us all go back to our rooms. Apparently we had been in the trial room for a long time seeing as it was already night time.

I didn't go to sleep right away I just laid on my bed and stared at the ceiling. As much as I wanted to think my drowsiness took over and I drifted into sleep.

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