A new floor.

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"Good morning everyone whose ready to start this Lovely day" Monokuma's voice yet again woke me up.

I tried to fall back asleep I was still tired but I noticed a pair of arms around me. "What the?!"

Misaki grunted "I'm tryin to cuddle you!"

"Why are you here?!" I yelled in a confused state of mind.

"Don't you remember last night?" She asked me.

I took a moment to think when memories of last night came flooding back. "Oh well we should get ready to go The the dining hall" I stood up and got some clothing from my closet "Don't look I'm gunna change" once I finished changing I turned around to see a blushing Misaki staring at me. "I TOLD YOU NOT TO LOOK"

"Heh sorry" she chuckled as she stood up "Let's go" she took my hand and we walked to the dining hall together everyone else was there.

But the atmosphere was different today probably because of the event of last night. Everyone was silent and some people refused to eat. "Hi" I said silently.

Apparently Yuu had heard me as he stood up and walked up to me "you will be accompanying me today!" He yelled

"Okay?" I asked confused.

He took my hand and dragged me over to the kitchen. "We need to have a talk!"

"Oh?" I was still tired and upset and confused but i figured I should listen to him.

"I'm sorry please forgive me!" He said while bowing "I should have never hit you I am now in your debt!"

"Wait debt?!" I asked

"Yes I need to make it up to you!" He exclaimed.

"No you don't I'm fine."

"That's what my parents said and they lied."

"What?" I asked

"Nothing!" He said defensively. I knew he was lying but I didn't want to pressure him yet.

"But seriously you don't owe me anything"

"At least allow me to hug you to make amends" He begged

"Fine" I said

Yuu immediately hugged me he felt warm. "I am so sorry!"

Monokuma decided to interrupt us "Hey you two! Everyone else left without ya there going to explore the new floor I opened!"

"New floor?" I asked

"YEAH I OPENED A NEW FLOOR GO EXPLORE SMUCKS!" Monokuma seemed to be in a mood.

"This is how I can make it up to everyone I can find a way out!" Yuu exclaimed

Yuu took my hand and dragged me to the now open stairway "You ready?" He asked

"Yup" on that note we started climbing up the stairs.

The first place we went seemed to be the entrance to a locker room. I notice Katsuki outside the locker room staring a a door painted pink. "I'm assuming this is the female locker room" she tried to get inside "Why is the door locked I wanted to throw a pool party?"

As if on cue Monokuma appeared "Well you need to use your monotab to get in. I may want you all to die but I still have standards. Puhuhuhu. Oh and if a boy does manage to go into the girls room that Gatling gun will pew pew them same with the girls!"

"What that's extreme" Yuu stated

"Extreme but effective" Monokuma said before disappearing.

Katsuki sighed "I will never understand that bear. Anyways I think we should investigate inside the pool just Incase. "

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