Chapter two

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Kanata's POV:
A month later...
I began to learn some magic as well it seems like all you need to do is think about what kind of magic you want to use. I wanted to fly, so I thought about flying. And I began to levitate off the ground.
"Kanata", my mother shouted out the window.
"Mother", I said as I flew toward her.
"You're using magic", she said.
"Yeah, it's pretty easy, and it's fun", I said as I made fire appear in my hand.
"Wow, you're such an amazing little boy", she said.
I wondered if I could teleport. I teleported behind my mom.
"Mother, I learned new magic".
"I'll ask for the royal mage, so you can show her your magic".
My father opened the door and he saw me levitating off the ground, his eyes widened.
"Kanata, you can use magic, at such a young age", he said.
"Considering how brilliant he is it's not very surprising", mom said.
"You're right, our son is such a brilliant child".
"Although, Ryu-ni is afraid of me getting hurt", I said.
"Of course he is, he wants to protect you".
After wandering around, it was late, I wonder if there was a magic to sense evil intent. There was, I closed my eyes and I saw Ryu about to be kidnapped. I flew towards where I saw it.
"Ryu-ni", I shouted.
"How cute, are you struggling"?
"Let me go, you pervert", he shouted.
The man had him pinned against the wall. I got pissed I teleported behind him and kicked the man down to the ground. Ryu was free, he looked at me.
"Guards", I shouted.
Two people appeared and grabbed the man.
"That guy is a pedophile", Ryu said.
"A pedophile", I said.
Well, Ryu is 14 so technically that is pedophilia.
"Ryu-ni, you need to study self-defense, otherwise you'll be defenseless like that again, I don't want to see you hurt, or raped", I shouted.
11 years later...
Third POV:
Kanata was fifteen, and his brother was 25. Kanata was going to attend a school for fighting off monsters in their world. It seems theirs an organization that likes to create monsters and send them after humans. The organization is the dark arts. Kanata was packing his clothes and then he walked up to a mirror. He looked at himself.
"So even when I grew a bit, I'm still not manly looking, I look like a girl. Even without this long hair, my face would still look like a girl, why do I look so much like a girl"?
He started to do weird poses in the mirror, but suddenly his brother opened the door and he was caught.
"So cute", he said before covering his mouth and he began to laugh.
"Hey Ryu-ni, shut up", he shouted as his face turned red.
He patted Kanata on the head.
"Good luck in high school okay, even though I'm pretty sure no one will ever be able to beat you, but once you get there you won't be able to use our fathers credentials, you'll be on your own, well except money wise", he said.
"Okay, Ryu-ni", he said with a smile.
"I don't want to let you go, what if there are perverts who want to pray on my adorable little brother, my adorable little brother, my adorable and cute little brother", he shouted as he hugged him.
"This is me we're talking about, I'll be fine".
He pushed his brother off and grabbed his bag for school.
"Well I'm off, but try not to miss me too much okay, future king to the throne".
He went to the carriage that was waiting for him outside.
"Young highness, farewell", Sebastian said.
"Yes, farewell, Sebastian".
He got into the carriage and was off. After a few hours, the trio was interrupted by bandits. 
"Hey, your highness steps out of the carriage, and hand over everything you've got", one of them said.
Kanata sighed and stepped out of the carriage. He held his hand up.
"Blackhole", he thought.
The bandits were sucked into a hole except for one.
"Hey, what are you", the last one said.
"Just your everyday prince of magic and fighting", he said before punching the guys lights out. Then they continued on with the trip. Once they got to the city, he was dropped off at the school. He saw other students there, and he flew inside the gates. He looked at the board to see what entrance exams he was taking first.
"Hey sweetheart, you're pretty", a group of guys said.
He turned around to glare at them.
"Hey, I'm a guy, so shut your mouths, look, I understand how I look like a girl, and my stature is quite small, but stop assuming people's gender, and stop using your dicks to find girls".
"Woah, sorry, you're just too cute to be a guy", one of them said.
He sighed and punched the ground. Cracks and a crater formed on the ground.
"So do you believe me", he asked.
"Yeah I do, just don't kill us", the guy shouted.
"Anyway, why are you worried about love at a time like this? Considering we have to entrance exams to take", he said.
"Just wanted some joy in the world, by the way, I'm Karma Yoshioki, these two are Mitsubishi Harutaka and Yoshida Harukasawa".
"My name is Kanata Shuntaka, nice to meet you", he said with a smile.
"Wait as in the Shuntaka royal family, this kid's a prince", they thought.

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