Chapter Seven:

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Third POV:
At the castle, Ryu was talking to a 17 year old with black hair and red eyes.
"Hey, where is my bride to be, he's supposed to be here", he said.
"My little brother is in the academy for magic and martial arts".
"He's at Yarusei academy", the guy said.
"Mihyuin, I thought I told you before about reading my mind", Ryu shouted.
"Look Prince Ryu, I just want to know where is my adorable bride, Kanata, hiding", Mihyuin shouted.
The guy who claims Kanata to be his bride is named Mihyuin Jyhö. In this world, its similar to how the contitent of asia is. He is from the Korean part of it.
"Mihyuin you bastard, Kanata is my little brother, I did not say you are able to marry him. He will have to decide if you want to marry him", Ryu shouted.
"I'm going to make him mine, even if I have to kidnap him", Mihyuin said coldly.
He left and Ryu looked angry.
"The first to raise their fist causes war, which is why I can't use violence. If i tried to fight the second prince of Republic of Korea, Nissan what would you do", Ryu thought.
Ryu walked to his fathers chambers.
"Father, I don't think I'm cut out for leading a country", Ryu said.
"What do you mean"?
"Can't you give my position to Shun", he asked.
"Don't speak his name".
"Why not"?
"My blood betrayed me, do you expect me not to be angry", he shouted.
"You don't inderstnad father, I don't want to be the one making decisions. I don't like being a representative, that bastard Mihyuin Jyhö, he's after Kanata's chasity", I shouted.
"I know that Kanata is my baby boy, and he's adorable. I can't interfere".
"Damn you dad, why don't you understand the severity of this situation ", I shouted.
"What do you mean"?
"Kanata is going to kill that guy", I shouted.
"That's right Kanata's strength. If he kills him, we'll go into war. How about this, bring Shun here now"?
I walked to Shun's prision cell.
"Shun", I said.
"Oh, little brother, how nice of you to come visit me", he said with a smile.
His had long cyan hair and golden eyes. He looked more like an older version of me and Kanata. His hair was a mess though. His face had smuches on it and his skin was pale. He was taller than me after he stood. He might look happy to see me, but it doesn't feel like that at all. My brother switch moods quickly. His eyes went from remembering to a glare.
"So, why are you here", he asked coldly.
"Nissan, our little brother he is strong, theirs a korean who wants to marry him. If he kills Mihyuin Jyhö, then there will be war", I said.
"So what do you want from me", he asked.
"Our dad wants to talk to you".
"The old man"?
"Yeah, the old man".
"Why should I talk to the one that put me in here", he asked.
"Memory transfer", I thought.
I transferred memories of Kanata to him.
"That adorable kid is my little brother", he shouted.
"Yeah, sorry you've never met him, its because of dad. So would you like to meet him and protect him from a pervert", I asked.
Suddenly he was right beside me.
"Let's go".
"Wait how long were you able to leave the cell", I asked.
"I teleported".
"Let's go".
We walked to our father's throne room.
"Hello, Father", Shun said.
"Shun, I have a proposition for you", he said.
"Is it about my little brother your failed to tell me about"?
"So, Ryu told you. Well, yes it is about Kanata. You see Kanata is quick to anger if someone treats him like a girl. Also, the guy Mihyuin Jyhö, he is known as a pervert. He doesn't care if their male or female. He'll screw anybody he can with his diplomatic approval. He's a representative, he uses it to his advantage cause he knows that they can't use violence. Another problem, is that bastard has overturned many negotiations because of the refusal of his previous engagements. Though, Kanata is too innocent, I know he is strong, but if he were to kill that man, war would break out, and Kanata would most likely be killed because of his foolishness", Father said.
"Father", I said.
"Because of your position, you are able to not cause trouble between nations. Your unafiliated with our nation and all of the nations. This is why you're able to help out, please help out Kanata", Father said as he got up and bowed to Shun.
Shun was stunned, he bit his lip.
"I'll do it".
"You have my appreciation".
"I'm not doing it for you Father", Shun shouted.
"I'm doing it for Kanata. I want to meet him and help him".
"I'll be heading there today, I'll teleport there after cleaning myself up", he said.
"Sebastian", Father shouted as he stood straight.
The butler came forward.
"Yes my lord", he asked.
"Help make Shun presentable".

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