Chapter three:

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Kanata's POV:
After I finished the written exams, the strength exams were next. Apparently, we had to fight with a teacher so that they could test our ability. The teacher who was with me stared at me with a strange look. His face looked flushed.
"Before you get the wrong idea, I'm a guy, so disarm your dick, okay", I said.
The teacher shook his head. He looked at me again and coughed.
"I'm your exam, Hikaru Shunyu, your name is Kanata Shuntaka. So you're the prince of the Shuntaka clan. If you defeat me and you pass okay, I won't go easy because you're a prince kid", he said.
"I'll have to hold back, considering your aura isn't that powerful", I said.
"Wait, you can see my aura, show me yours", he said.
I let a bit of magic out and Mr. Shunyu surrendered.
"What the hell kid, are you some kind of nuclear weapon, geez kid", he shouted.
"Magic combined with physical martial arts training, and a lot of other training, I guess to you I would be that powerful", I said.
"Geez you pass okay, just as a test, punch that wall with all of your strength over there", he said while pointing a wall.
I walked over to it and punched it into a million pieces. There was a giant hole in and there were other examiners on the other side with surprised looks.
"What the hell? Hey Hikaru, how did that kid just punch a hole through solid concrete", the other procedure shouted.
"I don't fucking know, I just didn't want to be killed okay", Mr. Shunyu shouted.
"Oops I meant to hold back a bit more", I said.
"Hold back", they shouted.
I chuckled.
"You're kind of a scary kid", Mr. Shunyu said.
"Thanks, I guess, Mr. Shunyu", I said as I held my hand over the hole.
The hole was rebuilding the wall around it. The teacher stared at me with a shock expression.
"Your magic is extraordinary, and your physical power is unordinary. It's amazing, I mean for such a small kid".
"Hey I know I'm small, damn it, I don't need to be told I look like a girl either", I shouted.
"Well anyway you passed, so I see it as a win, you'll be notified after all testing is completed, feel free to roam around the campus, and meet new people".
After leaving the exam hall, I saw a tree in the middle of a hill. I walked up to it and felt it.
"The tree's not doing so well, it seems it's not getting enough nutrients, it's getting too much sun, the inside seems to be dry and the roots need some watering too", I thought.
I poured some of my magic into the tree. It was spring, so the tree blossomed into a cherry blossom tree. Suddenly people were staring, a teacher walked over to me.
"Young child, how were you able to save this tree", they asked.
"I poured some magic into the roots and parts of the wood, was that a bad thing"?
"No it was quite a brilliant spectacle, so, what's your name", he asked.
"My name is Kanata Shuntaka", I said.
"I'm Rei Sakurai, it's an honor to meet you, prince Kanata Shuntaka, of the Shuntaka royal family", he said.
"You're a teacher, Mr. Sakurai, you shouldn't address a student so formally", I said.
"Wait for a prince", some of the other students were murmuring.
"Ah geez, look what you did, you made everyone look at me differently, I already look like a girl, now they know I'm apart of the royal family, and once they know of how powerful I am, they really won't be able to stop talking", I said while I began to float off the ground.
"Flight magic", they shouted.
The speakers turned on.
"All new students, please look at the list, and find your name and test results", someone over the speakers said.
I teleported to the listings. I looked for my name, it was at the number one spot. My eyes widened.
"I'm in the S class. Am I that powerful? Or am I too smart for my own good? It looks like I had the highest score I could possibly get. There were 5 tests, and each test was worth 100 points. Then 500 points for the practical exam. I scored a perfect score of 1000", I thought.
Students had arrived and they were looking at the top spot. Their eyes widened as they saw something surprising. The second-place score was 750 out of 1000, which meant, that I scored 250 more points then the person below me. So it wasn't anywhere near close.
"Wait that's Karma's name undermine", I thought.
The speakers came on again.
"All students who made it into this school will report to their respective dormitories to unpack all of their belongings", the person said.
Dormitories, so more than likely I'll have a roommate.
"Also, Kanata Shuntaka, you are wanted in the chairman's office", they said.
I sighed, and I wondered what did I do.
I flew to the chairman's office, people were surprised as they saw me fly by. I arrived at the door and landed on the ground. I knocked on the door.
"Come in", I heard from the other side.
I opened the door to reveal a woman wearing a black robe. She looked at me and was surprised.
"So are you prince Kanata Shuntaka", she asked.
"I would appreciate if the adults would stop calling me prince and giving me more respect than I deserve", I said,
"Well, might I say you are prettier than the rumors say, my little one".
"What is it that you needed"?
"Well, how about I introduce myself, before trying to anger you, I am the chairman of this school, Miharu Kiyotaka, nice to meet you".

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