Chapter four:

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Kanata's POV:
After talking with the chairman I headed towards the dorms. There was a table with people.
"Ah, welcome new student, what's your name", a guy asked.
"My name is Kanata Shuntaka", I said.
His eyes widened.
"Wait as in Prince Kanata Shuntaka of the Shuntaka Royal family", he shouted.
Suddenly all heads turned towards me. I felt my face heated up.
"C-could you keep it down man, in this school, the family has nothing to do with me learning, so please stop shouting", I whispered as I grabbed his collar.
"Yeah, but you're kind of cute, now that I get a closer look", he said.
"Hey, don't call me cute", I said.
"Anyway, could you let me go, this isn't the right way to treat your elders", he said.
I let go of him.
"Heh, we got off to a bad start, my name is Asahi Nagashima, it's nice to meet you. You see, I'm the dorm leader, and in these boxes, uniform, I'll find yours and your dorm key okay", he said.
"Nice to meet you too", I said as I watched him grab a box.
"Oh it's right here, Kanata Shuntaka, sorry if the size is big, your brother said the smallest size would fit you", he said.
He handed the box with a key on top of it to me. He smiled at me.
"My brother"?
"Yeah, he said he had an adorable little brother, that never had a growth spurt".
"I'm going to kill him, I'll teleport back and kill him", I said while feeling pissed off.
"Woah, calm down".
"Geez, I hate to see who your dorm-mate is".
I walked off and looked for my room. I smiled as I saw my room number.
"This must it", I and another person said.
I turned to see the guy from before. Karma, the one that tried to hit on me.
"Oh, so you're my roommate, that's great. I'm glad to have someone as cute as you as my roommate", he said with a smile.
"Hey, you try anything, I'll kill you", I said as I opened the door.
The room was huge, apparently, I and Karma were in the S class together. I remembered seeing his name under mine.
"Woah it's huge, it even has a kitchen", Karma shouted.
"This looks more like a house than a dorm room", I said.
I flew towards a door and opened it. There was a bathhouse inside.
"What the hell, there's a bathhouse", I thought.
"You can fly", Karma shouted.
I flew back to him.
"Yeah, what you can't use antigravity magic", I asked.
"Antigravity magic, what does that mean"?
"Imagine flying, and let your magic flow through you".
"How can I imagine flying when I can't fly"?
"Just imagine doing what I'm doing and then you'll be able to do it in no time", I said as I smiled.
"So adorable", he mumbled.
"Hey, watch it", I said while crossing my arms.
"I can't help saying it. You're really cute and adorable", he shouted.
"How is that a good thing", I shouted.
"Because it's like having an adorably cute floating magical fairy around me".
I sighed.
"Just try to fly, geez, you're really pissing me off", I said.
His magic aura appeared and he started to levitate a little but then he fell on his butt. He was out of breath.
"Are you okay"?
"Yeah I'm fine...why did that much....mana", he asked as he was breathing heavily.
"Haven't you heard of meditation", I asked.
"Meditation", he said as he stood up.
"Soak in all of the magical energy around you, and allow your Mana pool to accumulate, anyway not right now, I need to unpack my things", I said as I made my luggage appear out of nowhere.
"Woah, they just popped out of nowhere", he shouted.
"Yeah, instead of carrying it, I just teleported them from my room", I said.
"You're amazing, I have to wait for my luggage ", he said.
After unpacking my luggage, I sat on my bed and close my eyes. I levitated off the bed, and I began building up my mana, or meditation.
"What the hell, I've never seen a mana Aura this powerful", Karma shouted.
"That's because the idiots here don't know how to concentrate their mana. All you have to do is think about absorbing the energy around you, then as you do that, you keep building up your mana capacity. But after a while, if you don't concentrate, all he mana you gathered will disperse", I said while concentrating on collecting more mana and opened my eyes.
Someone kicked our door open.
"What the bell is going on in...
It was the dorm leader, Asahi. He stared at me with wide eyes. He dropped to his knees.
"Such magical energy, it's so heavy, so dense, I can't describe it, its a bit terrifying", he said.
I stopped meditating and flew over to him.
"Are you alright, Asahi-senpai"?
"You're so powerful, all that mana, and all that magical energy".
"If you were afraid of that, then, I'll show you some of my aurae".
"A-Aura", they both shouted.
I let some of my aura show, and they both had fear on their faces. I stopped when I thought I might really scare them.
"You're still holding back quite a bit, how come you're so strong", Asahi asked.
"I've been training with magic and martial arts since I was four".
"You can use martial art magic as well". Karma asked.
"Yes that is correct", I said.
"You're way too overpowered", they said.
"Trust me, I haven't shown what I can really do, if there is a time where I need to show my true power, everyone at this school will be in serious danger", I said.
"What do you mean", they asked.
"If no one at this school is as strong as I am, when I'm holding back, imagine if a real threat would show up".
"That is true, we would all be in danger if there is a monster you couldn't defeat", Karma said.
"Anyway, what did you need Asahi-senpai"?
"I got scared when I felt a strong amount of mana energy coming from you, I thought it was a monster or something", he said.
"How to mean, I am not a monster", I said.

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