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|>>1 year later<<|

It's already been years, but we still missed our mother.

"Mom? If you can hear me, please come back mom. We miss you already", I blurted out, sobbing

I've been on our rooftop since a while ago. I don't even have plan to come down. I miss her. Why did she just leave all of a sudden?! She didn't even said goodbye. She didn't even utter at least a word.

"Noona?", I heard Jeffrey's voice

I immediately wipe off the tears that came down from my cheeks. I've been crying a lot and I'm sure my eyes are a little puffy now.

"Noona!", he called again


"Someone is looking for you"

"Who is it?"

"Beomgyu hyung"

"Let him in, I'll catch up later"


With that, he left. Dad is still not here so, it's fine for us to let some visitor in. Dad would be home like 10 pm to 11 pm. Why like that?

Because I already know his schedule. He would hang out with his friends on work and got drunk. Everyday, everynight, that's what his life would be.

He is blaming himself for what he did to mom. He regret everything. He said, he could have at least forgive her. But it's just too much to handle. And time can't be back.

I ran down the stairs to meet Beomgyu. He's sitting at the couch with my brother. They've been bonding a lot and also, Beomgyu always came here. How lucky he is? Because he always show up at the right time. This boy has perfect timing.

As soon as he saw me, he stand up and bowed.

"Hello Nayah! Long time no talk", he said with a smile

I smiled back but a weak one. He might heard about the news now since it's already 1 year.

"Condolence for you Nayah!", Beomgyu said to me while bowing his head

"It's okay! You don't need to be formal at all", I smiled and he smiled back

"Guys, do you want something to eat? I'm going to prepare some", Jeffrey suddenly said breaking my and Beomgyu's eye contact

We both look at each other then just nod.

"Yeah, sure!", we said in unison

"Coming right up!", then he went to the kitchen

That kid! I walked to Beomgyu and sat at the couch, next to Beomgyu. It felt kinda awkward since it's just the two of us.

"So. . .how is it going?", Beomgyu suddenly asked breaking the thick atmosphere between us

"Well, I'm still sufferring. I mean, it's not just me who suffer. . .my brother", I said nearly cracking my voice because I'm holding back my tears

I don't want him to see me like this. Suddenly, two arms wrapped around me and caressed my hair. Now, I can't hold back my tears anymore. I cried on his shoulders. I needed this, I needed someone to hug me tight. Just like what mom always do to me and my brother.

His touch is really soothing. My tears are uncotrollable. There's something in him that let my emotions came all the way.

"Oops! Did I disturb the two of you", Jeffrey suddenly said

"No, it's fine", I said while wiping my tears with my hands

"Here", Beomgyu handed me a handkerchief

"Are you sure?", I asked him

The 5 Vampires | Choi Yeonjun [최연준] (editing)Where stories live. Discover now