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I woke up in a good mood today. I glanced on the other bed and I got confused when I didn't saw Jeffrey there.

What's happening actually? He's been acting strange this few days and I don't know why.

I got up from the bed and change my clothes. We've been staying here for a long time, I need to gather all of my other things back to our house.

After I change my clothes, I ran downstairs where I could see them laughing at each other, including Jeffrey.

I'm happy that he's here. There's nothing to worry about now. I walked silently through them but Huening Kai suddenly saw me coming and he started wheezing like a little kid.

'Good morning noona!', Jeffrey greeted to me

I jusr gave him a warm smile. I don't know, but I had this feeling that this Jeffrey in front of me is not my brother. I also notice his mole on his left hand. Jeffrey hasn't any mole on his left hand.

I just sat beside him, pretending to feel comfortable and then, I ate my meal. They've been teasing each other continously.

I've been thinking too much today. I finished eating my meal and decided to go back to the room, I excused myself on the boys. They just let me.

As soon as I entered the room, I sat on the edge of the bed. I think about some random things and then Jeffrey got struck onto my mind.

I need to talk to him or one of the boys, just to make sure that it's him and only him. I don't know but I feel so weird today. I decided to take some warm shower to refresh myself. I need some time to think.


I walked downstairs to look for Yeonjun. I need him to go with me on our house so that I can gather some of my things, my "important things".

'Yeonjun?', I called out

'Looking for me?', someone said

I turned around and saw him leaning on the door frame of the garden. He removed his shoulder from leaning and come to me.

'What do you need?', he asked

'I just want to ask if you can come with me picking up some important things I have on our home', I asked while playing with my finger

'Uh, sure!', he said without hesitation


The ride was quiet awkward since it's only me and Yeonjun. Until we arrived on our home.

'This is it', I said making him stepping on the brake

He turn off the engine and also get out of his seat.

'Pretty simple, huh', he mumbles but I still heard it

I get the keys on my bag and opened the door. Woah! It looks like a messy haunted house. I'm not saying that our home is a haunted house indeed, it's just because it's so dark inside.

I stepped in and turned on the lights. It's full of dust. Yeonjun came following me while scanning our home from the inside.

I walked upstairs to get my "important things". I started to pack some of my and Jeffrey's things.

'You don't need to pack for Jeffrey, Taehyun will take care of it', Yeonjun said out of nowhere

Damn! That was close, I almost had a mini-heart attack. Why does he keep popping out of nowhere. I ignored my nervousness and continued doing my work.

The 5 Vampires | Choi Yeonjun [최연준] (editing)Where stories live. Discover now