°•☆Chapter 12☆•°

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'Noona?', I froze on my spot when I heard Jeffrey's voice

'Jeffrey?', I repeated

My hands were tied up by a rope and I can't remove it because the rope was tied up on me so tight.

'Jeffrey, speak to me please. Where are you?', I asked him

'I-I'm 3 meters away from you', he said while coughing

I searched for him and I saw him 3 meters away from me. His hands were cuffed and he has a lot of bruise and wounds. I'm sure that Luke kidnapped my brother.

I ran to him still my hands are tied up on my back.

'Hey, Jeffrey! This is me, what happened to you? Is it the guy who kidnapped you a few days ago?', I bombarded onto him

I really missed him. My brother. I thought I will lose him. He is only my family and I can't lose him anymore. I should've hold his hand everytime.

I can't hug him because my hands are tied up on my back. I'm still thinking of how can I remove this thing. I lower down my head in ashamed.

'I'm sorry Jeffrey', I apologize

'I'm sorry I didn't save you earlier, I'm sorry I didn't searched for you earlier. I'm sorry', I said sobbing

I heard him coughed.

'Hey noona *coughs* You don't need to be sorry. It's no one's fault *coughs* This is unexpected okay? It's not your fault', he said while smiling at me weakly

'You know that it hurts me seeing you like this', I mentally said

Still my head are bowed, I felt that he's hugging me. Wait! Hug?! I quickly looked up and I saw his hands already free from the handcuffs.

'How did you do that?', I asked him surprise

I saw him smirked.

'I'll tell you later, but first let me remove those rope on your hands', he said proceeding on my back

As soon as he removed my tied hands. I hugged him right away.

Soon after, we pulled away from each other and made our plans on how we can escape from this abandoned room.

'Okay all we need to do is be quiet, okay?', I just nod

Jeffrey and I stood up on my spot. He proceed on the door and seek if there is any sign of danger. He signaled me that there is no signs of Luke so I came after him. How can he managed to walk when he's full of bruises?

Suddenly, Jeffrey pulled me on a dark corner. There are no lights here near the room Luke locked us up so it will be hard for them to find us.

We're so near the exit. I can see the sunlight there. Jeffrey then started walking and is now holding my hand so that I won't be seperated from him.

We're only 5 meters away from the exit when someone blocked our way. I flinched.

'Where do you think you-----', but before the man can even finished his sentence, someone hit him a branch at the back of his head

Wait! I know this silhoutte.

'Yeonjun?!', I asked loudly

He didn't answer, instead he pull us away from that house. When we're already far from that abandoned house, I noticed that my vision became blurry.

'Jeffrey', I called out

He suddenly let me sit on a bench near the café we're stopping by.

'Please noona, not now please. You can do this, Beomgyu-hyung is comimg along with their parents', he said

But I can't clearly see, Yeonjun's figure is already a blur to me. I can't clearly see Yeonjun's face.

I then realized saying some words.

'Yongsohae', I said before blacking out

The last thing I know is Jeffrey and Yeonjun calling for help while Jeffrey's still holding me in his arms screaming my name loudly.

°•☆3rd person☆•°

Beomgyu, along with his family members tried to reach Yeonjun's phone but he's out of the coverage area. He told the driver to drive as fast as he can.

When they reached Yeonjun's location, they were too late. Nayah is already at the stretcher. The ambulance are already there to rescue her 'cuz Yeonjun asked for it in case that Beomgyu won't make it.

'What happened?!', asked Mr. Choi

'Appa!', Yeonjun exclaimed while running to his father

'Son, thank god you're safe. Tell me what happened?', said his mother

'I'll tell you later when we're already at the hospital. Let's follow the ambulance first', he said while leading Jeffrey to the van

°•☆at the hospital☆•°

Yeonjun explained to his father clearly what had happened earlier.

Jeffrey's eyes are swollen.

He's been staring at the glass window of the ICU where Nayah is located. It hurts Jeffrey so much seeing his older sister like this. Beomgyu noticed that Jeffrey has a lot of bruise. Beomgyu approached Jeffrey.

'Hey Jeff, everything will be alright. Your sister will get well soon, I promise', he comforted

But Jefrrey's tears are uncontrolable. It kept on flowing down his cheeks. Beomgyu tried to comfort him and it soon calmed down Jeffrey.

'You need to take a rest now, should I send you home?', Jeffrey just shook his head

'Aniyo, gwaenchana-yo I'm going to wait for my sister to wake up. I want to be there on her side the moment she will wake up. I want to be the first one that she will see the moment she will open her eyes', Jeffrey explained while smiling bitterly

Beomgyu smiled.

'I understand', he said while tapping Jeffrey's shoulder

The doctor and nurse now came out from the ICU. Yeonjun stood up first then Beomgyu and Jeffrey get near at the doctor.

'Hello! May I know what are your relationship with Ms. Nayah?', asked the doctor

'I'm her boyfriend', Yeonjun said without hesitating

It's true, he didn't hesitate to say that. He also admit to himself that he also fall in love with Nayah. His love for Nayah were true and it's not fake.

Then the doctor now proceed.

'Well, I have some good news and bad news for you. Let's start with the good news, she was doing great now and she was in a stable condition, we just need to transfer her on the other room. The bad news is. . .', the doctor breathed heavily thinking how will he deliver the message to Yeonjun's relatives

They've got no idea.


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