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I was woke up by someone squeezing my thighs. I immediately jump off the bed and wake Jeffrey up.

“Wake up! Jeffrey! Ireona!”, I shouted nervously, nearly tearing up

'Ah! Waeyo?” he asked

But then, he was alarmed when he saw father holding a baseball bat.

“What the?!”

“When I say run! Run!”, I whisper to him

“What?! No! I can't leave you behind!”, he reprimanded

“I won't get hurt, I promised you”

He was about to open his mouth and tell me something but I cut him off.

“RUN!”, and he goes downstairs

I followed him but father yanked my hair before I could even get out of the room. I yelped in pain. Jeffrey saw me and he was about to turn back when father popped up from my back.

“Jeffrey! Get out of here, please!”, I told him still yelping in pain

He was even tightening his grip onto my hair. I signaled Jeffrey to come out and asked for help. He surely understand me because he nods and ran downstairs and outside.

“Do not struggle and I won't hurt you”, father whispers through my ears causing me to shiver

But I ignored his words and still trying to struggle. I bit his right arm that is on my mouth and ran away. I was running downstairs that I didn't even noticed that I slipped. My left ankle got sprained but still, I tried my best to get up.

When I was near at the door, I heard father calling me “bitch”. Oh come on! I need to hurry. But before I could even get out of the house, he grab my wrist tightly causing me to flinch.

“You're not going anywhere, princess”, just calling me like that send shivers on my spine

I can feel a sting on my cheeks. Oh great, I have a cut. He was about to close the door but I stopped him. I grab his arm that is gripping on my wrist and flip it. Oh god! I just injured someone. He was about to stand up but then, I kicked his groin and tried my best to run away as fast as I can.

With my weak body. I still managed it. I let my brother ran, but where did he go? Then, I reached out for help hoping that he would hear me. Just then, my vision was getting blurry and I felt kinda dizzy.

“Please, help!”, I cried out before I passed out

But before I knew it, someone caught me. Who is he? Is this my brother? But before I knew it, I already passed out.


I've been standing here on the light post for hours. I'm waiting for them. Because, I have a bad feeling that something bad might happen to Nayah and Jeffrey. Until, I heard someone calling out for help.

Wait! I do recognize that voice.


“Dowa juseyo!”, he cried for help

I knew it!

“Jeffrey? What are you doing here at this time?”, I asked him innocently

“Please, help me! My sister, is still in the house with father!”, he cried while panting

“What?! Wait for me here, I'll go to your sister” I said and ran

I can't just teleport or else my secret will be revealed. That's what we're taking care of. I'm still continuing to run until, I saw a silhouette of a girl. That's her, easy because I can smell her blood.

The 5 Vampires | Choi Yeonjun [최연준] (editing)Where stories live. Discover now