°•☆Chapter 16☆•°

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°•☆3rd person☆•°

Today is the big and special day for the two. Nayah Kim and Choi Yeonjun will getting married this will be an unforgettable moment for the two of them. It is well planned, the catering, the venue, and etc.

Choi Yeonjun in tuxedo, Nayah Kim in a beautiful white gown.

All of the visitors are already at the venue. The view from the seaside was beautiful, you can see the sun as it sets. The groom is already there, they're only waiting for the bride to come.

While waiting for the bride, Yeonjun can't help but to be nervous. Meanwhile, his father and brothers started to comforted him. After a while, Yeonjun already calmed himself down.

Meanwhile, Nayah is already prepared. They're on their way now to the venue. After some time, they already arrived. They now opened the door to let the bride in. She saw her father sitting on aisle, smiling at her. Then he glanced at his brother who will guide her way to her groom.

While walking down the aisle, Jeffrey started a small talk with his sister.

'Hey noona! Don't be so nervous, this is your day for the two of you. Just enjoy it, okay?', Nayah looked at him and smiled

'Ne, it's just I can't believe that he'll be my man someday', she said without knowing it, a tears escaped from her eyes

Jeffrey saw it and wiped it with his handkerchief.

'Hey noona, your makeup will be ruined if you cry', Jeffey joked and Nayah just chuckle

Soon after, they're already near at Yeonjun's spot. Yeonjun held out his hand and Nayah took it.

'Does anyone have any objection on this wedding?', the priest asked to the crowd but no one answered

So they decided to continue the ceremony. They started with the wedding prayer. The two couple take their seat on their designated one. Then the priest started the wedding prayer.

'Would you take these two of dust and bone, born of flesh, then you, would you make them one? Would you speak again the words you spoke when Adam slept and Eve awoke? Would you let your wine replace our water and look with grace on this son, this daughter? Oh Lord of Eden in your majesty create again your tapestry. One heart with there were two this is the prayer we lift to you'

When the prayer ended, the two couple stood up from their seat. Exchanging vows to others.

'I, Choi Yeonjun, take you to be my wife. To have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, 'till death do us part, according to God's holy law; and this is my solemn vow', he said while sliding the ring on Nayah's finger

'I, Nayah Kim, take you to be my husband. To have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, 'till death do us part, according to God's holy law; and this is my solemn vow', she said while sliding the ring on Yeonjun's finger

The priest begins again.

'Will you Choi Yeonjun, take Nayah Kim to be your wife?', the priest asked

'Yes, I do', Yeonjun replied

'Will you Nayah Kim, take Choi Yeonjun to be your husband?', the priest asked again

'Yes, I do', Nayah replied with a smile

'You may now kiss the bride', the priest said

Yeonjun cupped Nayah's face and smiled. He leaned closer to Nayah and crashed his lips to Nayah's. The crowd began to cheer and scream, some are already crying because of the happiness they feel. They all clapped for the two of them.

The two already pulled away and they started to walk down the aisle. They started to throw some petals on them.

When they are already at the main door, they stopped so that Nayah can throw the flower. The one who can catch will be the one who's getting married. Nayah started to throw the flower and she was surprised when she found out that his brother caught the flower.

'Ohmyghad Jeffrey!', Nayah said in happiness

Jeffrey just smiled while still holding the flower. The bride and groom decided to go now. They're going home now, because the reception are there.

▷▷fast forward◁◁

°•☆after the celebration☆•°


The visitors started to go home and bid their goodbye to us. They also gave us a gifts for our wedding. Can't believe that this is happening.

As soon as the visitors are gone, Yeonjun held my hand and teleported somewhere.

'Y-yeonjun, where are we?', I asked as soon as I saw a house

'We're going to start our family here', he said while smiling

My heart melts because of his smile. Without knowing it, another tears escaped from my eyes. Yeonjun noticed it so he made me face him and wiped my tears with his thumb.

'Hey, why are you crying? Aren't you happy?', he asked me

I shook my head.

'No, it's just because I still can't believe that this day will actually happen without my mom. Damn, I miss her so much', I said and he just locked me in hjs embrace

'How about, let's get inside now', he said and I just agreed

As soon as we get in, it is already decorated. All of the furnitures are already here.

'You liked it?', he asked

'No, I love it!', I exclaimed and he just chuckled

I face him one more time and hug him.

'Thank you so much Yeonjun, you didn't leave my side', I said

'I won't and will never leave your side from now on Nayah, I love you'

'Love you too', we stayed on that position for long

But soon after, we decided to take a rest since today is a big day for the two of us. We cuddled each other. Suddenly, Yeonjun asked me something.

'Nayah, if we're going to have kids. How many do you want?', I laughed at his question

'What kind of question is that Yeonjun? I still don't have a plan to have kids', I told him

'I'm just asking, if you're going to ask me. I want to have a twins, the one is girl and the one is boy', he stated

'How do you say so?', I asked again

'Nothing, just wanted to tell you that thing', I chuckled

'You know, let's just sleep', I told him and he pulled me closer to him holding my waist

With that, we didn't notice that we're already fallen to a deep slumber.


Epilogue on the next chapter guys

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