CH 4 kess

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"Alright Marines we need to keep moving!" Yelled a female Marine who was holding a five year old boy in her arms who was crying.

"KESS! Just leave him he's already infected!" Yelled a marine.
The boy gripped tighten around Kess's neck.

"How about I leave you for the bugs. We're saving this boy no matter what!" She yelled to the marine.

"Face it were the only ones left! Are squad was wiped out for this boy. They want Him!" He said making his way to the boy.

"BACK OFF! We just need to get the door open so backup can land and pick use up." She responded while pointing her gun at him.

"Fine let's go." He said

She tried to put the boy down but he cried and said no.

"It's alright I'll be right back."

He hesitated but let go.

"Alright 3 2 1 go!"

When they opened the metal door their stood the xeno morph.
It stabbed the marine through the chest with it's tail.
Kess tried to attack the alien but was smacked away with the corpse.

"NOO!" The boy cried as the xeno grabbed the boy.

Kess saw her gun and ran for it grabbed it. Pulled the boy out of the xeno grasp and shot it with all the bullets. Then the blood got on her right side of her face.

Dream end

Kess: aaaaah.

She screamed as she sat up from her bed in the cell. She then touched the side of her face were her scar was.

Kess: just a dream.

Then the door opened were a marine stood.

Marine: the upper commanders want to talk to you.

Kess: can I get dressed?

Marine: no they want you. Now.

Kess sighed

Kess: fine.

She got up but felt her scar burn.

' this is going to be a bad day '


Kess walked through the door to the room. She saw commanders sitting down.

Commander: hello kess. When have some questions for you.

Kess sighed.

Kess:  what do you want to know? Their having Bangles today and I plan to get some.

The commander then put his elbows on the table.

Commander: well I am Faraday. And I have questions for you
Kessandra Killian.

Kess: ok you know my name I'm not intimidated. What is it.

She raised her voice.

Faraday: well you see it's about the xenomorph.

Kess froze when he said that it brought back bad memories.

Kess: what about it?

Faraday: we know that during your mission that you and a boy survived.

Kess: Billie. His name was Billie. I liked him he was a good kid. He refused to leave me.

Faraday had a look on his face that showed he knew her parents left her. It was obvious the marins always knew.

Kess: but what does he have to do with him. You know everything about them. I mean you took it out of him.

Faraday: well it was a queen and it never arrived at earth during it's ten year trip.

Kess: ok so you were taking a queen to earth and thought
Hey it is cool it lays eggs that has a baby bug that kills use from the inside.

The Marine tried to get to kess but was called off by Faraday.

Faraday: well yes but we figured out were it landed.

Kess: well like Hell I'm going for it.

Faraday: oh really we have something to change your mind

Kess was annoyed and gave him a death glare.

Kess: And what is that.

Faraday: we know we're Billie is.
He's here on Ero's.

Kess then showed a face of shock.

Kess: your not tricking me.

Faraday: no we aren't.

Kess started to chuckle with tears in her eyes.

Kess: even if you were telling me the truth he won't be able to remember me. You wiped away his memory. You wiped away me.

Faraday: oh but he does in a way. He sees you in his sleep. He wrote about you "the brave lady" he has wrote ten pages of it.

To be countinue....

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