Ch 13

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Billie opened his eyes to see darkness around him. Dark tunnels.

He stood up but did not feel the RIG suit. He looked down to see he was in his Nut house clothes.

Just a white T-shirt and white shorts.

"Billie. " whispered a female voice.

Billie turned around looking every direction, but couldn't find the voice.

"Billlieeeee ~" the voice came again.

"Who's there? " Billie bravely asked walking through the dark tunnels.

The voice kept repeating itself and Billie in turn followed it.

Billie then felt something sticky on his foot and looked down.

It was a slime like material that was still attached to the floor when he lifted his foot.

He put his pointer and middle finger through it and it still was connected to the floor.

"Eww. " he said shaking his hand and foot. He then tripped over something backwards, but landed on a smooth object.

Billie stood up and looked back on what he fell on but was puzzled.

It was a tall round object that looked like a egg. The top was open reviling nothing inside.

"This looks..... Familiar. " Billie said backing away. He saw what looked like a fire far off and started to walk towards it.

While walking down the halls he saw more of the egg like objects. All of which were empty.

Billie started to get a little nervous till he saw a flicker of light in the corner of his eye. It came from the wall.

Billie made his way to the wall, avoiding the egg like objects,  and saw the flickering light.

What he saw caused him to fall back in terror.

The flickering light was a half broken RIG security helmet showing off a man's entire face except for his left eye.

The mans Jaw and eyes were open , dried blood that went down his eyes and mouth,  and his skin was pale white.
The man's suit had a hole between his chest and some bone was showing.

Billie pushed himself up and tried to run away but collided with another dead body, same death.

Billie looked around hyperventilating and saw more bodies on the wall and the roof.

Then a screech made itself known.

Billie immediately got up and ran holding his head and crying. Billie then tripped and fell down a little hill and hit something's soft.

He heard the Screech's again and pushed his back against the object he was against.

The Monsters were everywhere,  the ones from his dreams,  on the roof, walls, Everywhere and they all stayed there hissing at him.

They all stopped when a stronger hiss was heard that made Billie freeze to the core.

He heard something big move, the sound of slime as well.

Slowly, Billie looked upwards to the side. Above the object he was against, a Head came into view.

Sword like teeth forming a menacing smile, saliva dripping from its mouth, a Black crown reflecting light.

"Hello Billie ~" said the creature.
Billie was frozen solid from fear.

The creature picked him up and brought him near her face.

Billie's eyes and mouth were wide and he could barley breath.
He then felt something rubbing his hair.

"It's so nice to see you again. But first I must ask you, where are the other humans? "

Billie remained in shock and the creature just giggled.

She opened her mouth letting a normal tongue come out and licked his face before dropping him to the ground.

He heard growling all around him.  Billie curled up his body and held his head repeating the same thing.







"Billie..... Billie.... Billie! "

"AHH!" Billie yelled sitting upwards.

Changing how characters are talking below.

Billie saw the un-masked face of Em and nearly launched himself at her but was stopped by her as she was holding his arms.

Em: "Billie hey everything's alright!" she said keeping him still till he calmed down and hugged her,  in which she returned happily.

Billie then  looked around and saw they were all in a room now.  Marines were scattered around guarding entry points.

He saw Kess ordering two marines by pointing at air vents.

He saw Val, who's helmet was also off, was actually right beside him and was getting a small light pen she would use on him back in the Nut-house on Eros.

"All right Billie, " she said pointing the light in his eye. "I want you to follow the light. Tell me how your feeling. "

Billie just swatted the light away as he sat up and rubbed his eyes.
"She knows where we are. " he said as he looked at his lap.

"Who knows? " Kess said walking To them,  he helmet was folding up revealing her face. "Who knows? " Billie slowly looked up at her, tears forming in his eyes.

"I'm sorry Kess. I-I-I'm sorry. " he said as he started to cry uncontrollably.

"Who knows? " Kess said getting on her knees and holding his shoulders with her hands as she looked at his face. "Who knows where we are?"

Billie looked at her in the eyes. He responded by taking his right index finger and tapping it in the center of his chest.

Kess was thinking what he meant by that and realized it. "Oh Shit."
She quickly stood up, her helmet folding back up, covering her face, and equiped her assault rifle. "MARINES GET READY TO FIGHT!!"

"Why commander?" asked a marine standing under a air vent.  "Theirs nothing -AAAHHHH!" he screamed as a sharp object penetrated his back and came out his chest, lifting him in the air vent, never to be seen again.


Val turned to Billie and Em, her helmet folding up. "Stay with me."

"Alright. " Em said, her helmet folding up. "Billie stay, Billie? "

Val turned around to see the problem only to be horrified.

Billie was standing up, shaking rapidly. He was screaming in pain as he held his head, going to the ground. Billie looked back up, his entire eyes glowing a dark green.


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