The Trip

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Kess POV

Kess:Hey watch that crate it's more valuable than you are!

I yelled to the Marine loading 'the' crate.

Marine: why the hell do I have to load this for you?! This isn't even on the list?!?

Another Marine started to talk.

Marine 2: hey it might just be her sex toy.

Kess: what. was. that. marine?

He starts to piss his pants.

Marine 2: nothing ma'am!

They load the crate into the cargo area.

Kess (whispers to self): I'm not a pedophile. I'll wait for consent. Cause I have early access.

Val then walked up beside me

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Val then walked up beside me.

Val: well we have everything loaded up and ready to go.

Kess: everything?

Val: yes 'everything'.

Kess: good let's go.

Val then stops me.

Val: you know what Will happen if we're caught right.

Kess: yes I know but I can't lose Billie.

Time Skip 3rd POV.

Cargo hold.

Kess and doc Valentine go to the box that the soldiers were carrying.

Kess: well let's open them up.

She says as she goes to the control console.

The lid opens with Billie rolling out and Em getting out of the container.

Em's POV

Wow that was uncomfortable but those Marines gave me some ideas I want to do on Billie.

Billie: it's so good to be out of that place. The metal the floor it's like I dreamed they be, and like the first time ever I'm completely free.

Kess: good to see your okay Billie.
Billie then saw kess he ran and hugged her. 

Em:I'm doing fine too.

That woman what's her name kess? The one Billie admirers no I'm the only one he admirers.

She then looks at me.

Kess: good for you kid.

The hell did she just say to me.

Kess: hey Val can you take Billie to the bathroom?

Val: sure. Come on Billie.

Billie: okay can I tell you about my friend Michelle J. Caboose?

Val: sure.

They are gone.

Kess: listen kid I only brought you along because he wouldn't leave without you.

Em: don't call me kid.

Kess: okay miss Emile.

What the fu-

Em: how did you know my name.

Kess: I read your file. I can't blame you. Father tried to rape you, you burnt his face off. Reasonable, but I also read everything you do at the nut house. And if I ever see you sexual assault him I will not hesitate to put a bullet in your head.

I stay quiet and look down.

Kess: good now time to get to the cyro tubes. 

Time skip

Hidden cyro chambers

Every one said goodnight to Billie and the we're all asleep except me my tube didn't shut all the way.

I Got out and saw Billie in his pod he looked gorgeous. So easy to do it to him.

Who is it to say it's wrong for me to leave scratch marks on his back, slap marks on his ass, and to screw his ass and mouth with a dildo? No one could. I had full control.

I reached for his control panel to wake him up. But I stopped.

Em: no I won't give in to lust. I love him. But not like this he will say it if he loves me. I say as I go to my tube to go to sleep. I see how long we will be asleep.

Em:2 YEARS!!!!!


Billie: that's it tube in tomorrow for the next episode

Caboose: ah Billie there you are!

Billie: ah caboose, theirs a giant person we gotta run!

Billie/caboose: AAAAAHHHHHHHHH

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New cover yay or nay

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