Ender in. The Room Of Many Portals.

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Ender was a normal girl who enjoyed many things in life on a peaceful walk one day she came across a strange man. This odd man was selling a beautiful mansion on a hill for 10 dollars.

"Wait...You're selling this for how much??" Ender questioned, confused at that cheap ass price.

"Yes, 10 dollars.." the man paused. "Do you want it or not." Ender dug through her pockets for any form of money.

"Errr, I got 4 dollars and a paper clip..." Ender had no money on her, she was just walking to the park after all.

"DEAL!" the man screamed took the money and the paper clip and forced a stack of papers in her hands. "That's all the paperwork for her...TAKE CARE!" and like that he yeeted himself in a bush and ran for it.

"Well that was.. never mind.." Ender turned to look at the house. "Damn... it's prettier than my man.."walking up to the front door she put the key in the door and turned the knob. Walking inside was your typical mansion. Kitchen, living room, 4 bathrooms, oddly a lot of guestrooms, master bedroom, etc. "I Live here now??" 

For the next hour, Ender ran around the place doing random shit like eating sticks of butter. "SHIT..." Ender realized what was wrong. "I need to move my stuff over here." For the next 4 hours, Ender moved her stuff out of her shitty apartment into her car. Then she went up to her landlord, gave him the finger and headed off to her new home.

After moving all the boxes in her new room she took out her phone to call up Max, her boy friend, but her phone slipped out of her pocket and tumbled down behind the stairs "Dammit..." she cursed. Sliding down the railing and heading back behind the stair case she saw something...odd. "Huh?" looking at the wall behind the stairs was a knob. "Weird... A door??" opening the door lead to a long dark hall. "Well.." Ender checked the time. "Only 7:24 P.M.." she shrugged and headed through the door. Turning on her phones light so she could see. "I wounder if the dude who sold me the house new about this" she thought. Reaching the end of the hall was a huge room with a bunch of odd looking...portals? on the walls. "Woah... Uhh am I playin' minecraft story mode or something..?" Every portal had a different colors, shapes, textures and looks. Ender turned looking at the reader "Any ideas...Shit, 4th wall." she finally decided on a portal in the middle glowed a golden yellow with an arch stopping it, half of the arch was red and white the other half was blue and white. "Eh" She shrugged 

"Why not" Ender made the biggest regret of her life right there folks...

She walked through the golden glow disappearing with a 'Pop'


Welcome to my sad attempt at a story!

Its my shit random post book!

Its for me trying to get good at writing!

Starring me cause im a ego maniac! 

Also many of my favorite fandoms!

Cause I wanna write about some of them!

Yep thats it ._. I mean... i very bad at writing so i don't expect this to go very far tbh...

Ehh my universe.. Also at any point you may yeet yourself outta a portal and any character you wish shall make an appearance. 

ENDER AWAY! *Yeets self outta window*

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