Ender in: The Bro's Quest

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Walking through the woods Ender was at loss for what do do, Her only hope of going home was beating the game but she had no clue where to look for the hero's. So she tried to remember where she had left off at the last run in her game which was some where around Phantom Express...She thought.

"Great I've fucked my self.." She sighed. "I had to go through the swirly portal..?" With about another hour of walking and Ender complaining about how her sole less sneakers hurt her feet she finally was about to give up.

"I GIVE UP! YOU WIN DEVIL! FU-" Before she could continue her rant a sound played.


"Huh?" She was then shot in the back with something which made face plant. "WAIT DON'T SHOOT. IVE GOT A HUBBY AND A SHIT LIFE TO LIVE!" Dirt around her had gown up making it hard to see, above her stood 2 figures.

"I don't think shes a debtor..."

"I think I should knock her brains out and get the soul contract!" The dust had cleared, Ender realized who the two where, The main heros of the game of coarse, Cuphead and Mugman. She got up and brushed herself off.

"I'm not a debtor...Well I am but I was told to come help you two ding dongs"

"Right...We've gotten this far with out you.." Cuphead stated in a firm manner. They look around 13 or 15. Somewhere around that area. 

"Look, I just want to get home." 

"We'll then go." 


"We could help with that...Maybe.." From being quiet Mugman had finally spoke up.

"Really Mugs..I don't wanna help her, She's a loon." 

"Your a loon" 

"SEE?!" Mugs brought his brother over away to a near by tree, They talked looked over at Ender and looked back at each other..

"Hey Narrator," 

...Ender stop breaking the 4th wall.. 

"They Know I can see there talking about me right?"


"Damn, Rude much.." Ender grumbled more to herself and shut up when the brothers had walked back forward.

"Ok, So we deiced this." Mugman Did the talking while Cuphead gave Ender dirty looks. "So If you can get the soul contract for Phantom Express, we'll help you out here, Deal?"

Ender paused, her last deal was with the devil himself so it took her a moment to respond. 

"Deal" They shook hands and she set off to the haunted train for the soul that would set her free.


Dont ask why im writing this, Im bored K? So..idk think what you want?

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