Ender in: Losing her soul.

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The Devil towered over Ender as she was on her knees from getting knocked over but he looked both semi handsome and like he was gonna murder her.

"So, you where cheating.." His voice sounded low dark grim and like she was in some deep shit.

"Pffft, me? cheating? I would never chea-" He cut her off mind sentence pulling out a bunch of gold colored rocks.

"...Wouldn't cheat Eh." He was looking straight into her soul at that point. Everyone in the casino was looking over there way, even the sleazy ass manager, King Dice.

"...Fake cash and cheating are two different stories." Ender needed to learn when to shut her trap. She knew this. Did she care?


"...Then its your soul" His mouth formed a twisted  grin the words poured out very sinister and  very grim. Ender mentally panicked not wanting to die a terrible death. She suddenly got an idea.

"Ok.. Ill get my soul for you." She bent over and took the sole off her shoe. Wearing a shit faced grin, and placed it in his hands.

Now The Devil just stared at what was placed in his hands. Ender had a pair of MLG glasses on. The patrons just stared and KD was trying to stop laughing his ass off.

---------- Mean While --------

Max headed over to Ender, his girl friend, 's new mansion. 

"Come on Endie pick up the phone" she texted him over an hour ago and wasn't getting a response.

"Max do we have to go? She's weird As fuck.." Max looked in the back seat of his car scolding his little sister Cindy.

"Cin, don't talk like that." She rolled her eyes. Pulling into the drive way Max looked at the semi run down mansion. 

'Dam,' He thought. 'With a little work, this could be a great home.' He turned back to Cindy. "Im going in to see if shes home, Stay here if I'm not back in 20 minuets come get me." She nodded and Max headed in. 

He walked around for 5 minuets searching all the rooms and not finding her. "ENDER!" He sighed before spotting an odd spot behind the stairs. Walking over to them he noticed an odd door, Wide open.

Around 20 minutes later the 10 year old girl, Cindy, hopped out of the van and headed in. 

"Max? Did you get your head stuck in the sink again??" (Isnt mah bae great?) She headed around the house finding no signs of her brother or his weird ass out girlfriend. She sighed before finding the same odd door behind the stairs, and of coarse she went in.


Ender kicked a stone walking away from the casino "Go find the souls! Help those damn cups!" She kicked a rock while nagging the Devil, who was convinced to not kill her and make her help the other two stuck in debt. "GROAN! I can't even shoot shit from my hand!!" She sighed before realizing something. "Wait, Maybe if I finish the game the portal will open!" She looked at the reader with her shit grin again. "THEN I'M OUTTA HERE!" The reader sighed and faced palmed at her reference. The writer cringed at her own out burst. "Oh Fuck it that was good!" She sighed and walked off starting her epic quest, having no clue about the two that entered her home. "What about my home you disembodied narrator??"

UH Ignore me! I'm not here! the narrator said, trying not to ruin the 4th wall

"Right..." Ender shrugged and walked off into the woods getting ready for the troubles ahead.

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