Max in: Fuck it all

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20 minuets prior to Cindy heading into Ender's home Max had gone in.

"Woah..." Looking around the portal room he was in awe by them. Before realizing something big. "...Endie you went in one didn't you...Dammit.." He sighed before trying to figure out the one she had gone in. Looking over them he finally picked one. Half way up the arches on both sides where a checkered black pattern with the floor under it changing from dirty stone to blue and red checkered floor that seemed to shimmer. The other part of the arch going up was grey. Next to it was an identical portal, the only difference between the two portals was the left portal had a dark blue inside while the one Max stood in-front of was a bright yellow. "Hm, I'll try this one.." Being nervous he took a deep breath and headed in the portal, forgetting about his younger sibling. 

"...Looks like he found someone after all..." 


Max felt like he was falling the more he fell the more the world changes before it all went white. Who knows how long later he got up rubbing his head. Standing up he looked around the room. The Red and blue checked floor was there and the walls matched the arch looking over at a window he could tell it was day. 'Guess that's what the yellow glow meant?' he mentally thought. He was about to start moving around when a loud bang was heard.


"AH SHIT RUN!!" Max turned seeing an odd...human fruit- am I reading this right? does this actually say human fruit in my scrip- what ever, human fruit man running like his pants where on fire. 

"The fuck?" Max cursed loudly before someone tapped on his shoulder. Turning around he was met with a man with a phone for a head- really??? I need a new gig...the narrator doesn't get paid enough for this. "HOLY SHIT YOUR HEADS A PHONE."

"I noticed, are you the new hire?" He questioned looking over Max.

Max new he might be here for a while so he did something really stupid. "Yes."

The phone headed man grabbed his arm. "Great! need you for a few things." He pulled him into what looked like an office. "But First...HAVE YOU WORKED FOR ANYTHING HAVING TO DO WITH LAW, OR THE POLICE." This sudden burst startled Max.

"Uh, no." He kinda stuttered on the words not trying to get the yell at him again. It all seemed failure to him, but he ha no clue how.

"Well most people don't wanna work here after the old location, BUT LETS NOT TALK ABOUT THAT." He seemed to get worried when the old location was brought up. "Whats your name again?" 

"Max...Max Miles.." He replied a little less worried.

"Ok Max, have any medical issues we should worry about?" 

"I mean-"  He was interrupted by someone barging into the office. before Max could turn around  they yelled.


and then it hit him. That name, Foxy.. It was from a game series Five Night's At Freddy's a game him and Ender liked playing. But this wasn't it... But his mind finally clicked.

This is was a fan game.

A fan game he new to well.

A fan game, starring the bizarre day shift.

Turing around he met with the player character. Jack Kennedy, more known as the nick name Old Sport. Phone guy seemed to be annoyed at him coming in the room.

"E-Employee, may I ask.. WHY YOU BLEW UP THE MEN'S ROOM!!!1!1one!1"

The orange human seemed to be peeved himself and was straight on the reply.

"Because why n o t ." The man was looking down while saying it. 

Max was curious, He picked up the annoyed vibes from having to live with Cindy. So he could tell something was wrong here. 

Phone guy was trying to get their attentions but failing horribly. 

"You seem mad," Raising an eyebrow at that reply.

Looking up OS sighed, then dramatically flopped into a chair. "Just mad at Dave.. I go out of my way to blow up the bathroom and he does nothing but insult my pun!"

Max chuckled, "What was the pun?" Over his shoulder he heard Phone gay let out a groan, being a pun hater. 

Jack smiled, looking like a frown since he was upside down though. "Oh Dave was about to stab someone and I said he was on point, I mean he normally has a pretty sharp swing. Then I told him to have a knife day." Jack had a shit eating grin, Max laughed he was used to puns by the ones Ender normally told. And Phone Guy was dying inside, Like normal. 

Finally finishing there interview Phoney gave Max the job and told him not to botch anything up or kill kids, and if the police came around. R u n

"So," Max befriended Jack pretty quick. "You mentioned a Dave earlier?" Max had played the game knowing who the purple human was, but wasn't gonna tell Jack that he would sound crazy after all.

"Oh yeah let me find him" He jumped on top of a tabled and screamed at the top of his lungs. "DDDDAAAAAAAAVVVVVVEEEEEEEE, I JUST GOT LAID BY THE PHONE!!!!!!" In a flash a quick purple blur pinned the orange human to the ground, while max laughed his ass off.

"YOU WHAT? OLD SPORT THE FUCK??? THAT SHITS WEIRD EVEN FOR YOU" Max heard the familiar strong New York accent and the name 'Old Sport' knowing it had to be dave, mainly because who the fuck else was purple. Dave looking up from the floor starred at Max. "Who the fuck is this."

Still on the floor Jack wiggled his way outta Dave's pinning. "Max, He works here now, I think he's lit. d o n ' t f u c k i n g k i l l h i m " Dave seemed to pout

"Fine..." Max giggled at the men  bantering before remembering something important.




Oh in for the people wondering Max and Cindy are real human beings just as I am. Max is my boyfriend and Cindy is his lil sis, They said i could use them in this story owo

tanks for reading. 

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