Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Pulling in the driveway, Jax and I start bringing things in. "Holy shit. You buy out the whole store?" Kari asked laughing. "Almost." Jax says smirking at me. "Hey, kids need a lot of shit dude." I tell him, laughing. I start taking things to the boys' room and start putting the bags in there. I can hear Kari and Jax talking. "Did she just laugh?" Kari asked. "Yeah and that's even after running into Carter." Jax says. "What?" I hear her say. I walk back in to grab another bag and I say "Yeah. Turns out Dana's baby wasn't his. Karma's a bitch ain't it?" Kari looks at me and I just shrug. I walk back into the room that will belong to the boys and put the bags in the closet. We will put everything up when the furniture gets here.

Sitting down at dinner, Jacob has joined us. "I was thinking, There's a spot on the other side of the property that's flat enough to build a house." I tell everyone. "I saw where she was talking about and it looks like the best spot." Jax says. "We can take a look tomorrow if you guys want." I tell them and they agree. "Do you know of any contractors?" Kari asked Jacob. Before he could say anything, "We have some money put up. We can get the materials and can build it ourselves can't we?" I asked. "I don't see why not?" Jax says. "When I'm not in school, I will be here helping." Jacob says. "Me too." Kari says. "No, I need you to help with the boys." I tell her. We talk more and after dinner, Jax and I clean up the kitchen while Kari and Jacob go out for the night.

Sitting out at the gazebo after cleaning the kitchen, Jax is sitting with me like we normally do. This seems to be our nightly routine. Looking out at the yard, I point to a spot and say "I want to put a swing set right there." I tell Jax. "I was thinking that too." he says. My leg is draped across his lap like it normally is when we are out here and he's rubbing my calf. I feel a chill and feel Jax pulling my leg to pull me closer. He puts his arm around me and pulls me into him and I let him. It's been a long time since someone just held me. "I like having you around, Jax." I tell him honestly. "I like being around. Feels good to just be somewhere that I don't have to deal with people shooting at me all the time." he says. Since he moved in, we have talked a lot about his past and mine. "It's peaceful here." I say. He kisses the top of my head. I look up at him and he looks into my eyes before his lips softly touch mine. Our lips move together slowly and it feels like we have been this way forever. Pulling apart, I snuggle farther into him and he holds me closer. We don't say anything else, we just sit and enjoy being there together. After a while I say "Thank you." He rubs his hand up and down my side and asks "For what?" I pull back to look at him and say "Stopping me from letting that shit with Carter pull me down again. You're the reason I'm better. You're the reason I'm over it." I tell him. "Glad I could be of service." He says and we both laugh.

We stay out at the gazebo for a while longer just talking and kissing. A little later, I say "We better head to bed." Kissing him one more time before standing up, he stands and says "Yeah. We better." Walking into the house, we head down the hall and as he goes to walk to his room, I grab his hand. "Bed's this way." I say. He smirks and follows me into my room. Stripping down to just my t-shirt and panties and him to his boxers, we get into bed. We lay face to face and he kisses me. Slowly he deepens the kiss and starts kissing down my neck and to my collarbone. He lifts my shirt over my head and tosses it to the floor. Kissing down my chest, paying attention to each breast before kissing his way down my stomach and lower. Kissing the inside of each thigh, he looks up at me with lustful eyes before he runs his tongue up and down my folds causing me to arch into him. He continues his assault until I find my climax. As I am coming down from my blissful high, he takes his place between my legs and enters me slowly. Taking a moment to let me adjust to his size, he starts to thrust in and out slowly. "Fuck, you're so tight baby." he almost growls in my ear. "Harder Jax. Please. I need you." I moan. He starts to thrust in and out harder until we reach out releases together.

Laying there in bliss, neither of us say anything. My head is on his chest and I can hear his heart beating. I can feel him rubbing his hand up and down my bare back. "What do we do now Jax?" I ask softly. "Do you want to be with me?" he asked. "I think that's obvious." I say laughing. "Seriously. Do you want us to be together?" he asked. "Yeah. I do." I say. "Then I move my things in here and the boys get their own rooms. You good with that?" he asked, looking down at me. "Looks like I need to do some more shopping." I say. We lay tangled in each others arms until we fall into a blissful sleep.

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