Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

It's been a week since I was taken and other than when he's working on the farm, Jax doesn't leave my side. But I'm not complaining. Kari and Jacob have moved into their house and we finished getting the kids' rooms ready for them to move in. Sitting out on the gazebo, he has a beer and I have a glass of wine. He's holding me closer than normal and just seems more affectionate than he's been. "Are you okay Jax?" I asked. "Yeah babe." he says kissing the top of my head. I sit up and say "Talk to me." He looks at me and says "When Kari told me you were taken, I was scared that I wouldn't find you in time. I walked in to find Tara dead on our kitchen floor. I was so scared I'd find you too late." he tells me. I move to straddle him and say "But you didn't. You found me. You saved me. Again." I say. "Again?" he asked. "Yeah. Again. Jax, I was lost. I thought I was never going to be loved by anyone. I thought I would be alone. You saved me from that. I love you so much. Thank you for saving me." I say before kissing him. Being here in just his shirt and panties since it was just us, he lowers his shorts and moves my panties to the side and enters me slowly. Thrusting in and out slowly, he whispers "I love you Echo." Moaning his name I reach my release with him following behind me. I lay my head on his chest and start laughing. "What?" he asked. "This is the first time I've ever had sex out here." I tell him. Smiling he says "Well, we have to do it more often."

The next morning, we are sitting back on the gazebo having coffee when Kari and Jacob walk over with their own cups. Sitting down, Kari says "You look happy." I look at Jax and back to her and say "I am." The guys get up and start their day and Kari and I sit there talking. "So, how was your night?" she asked. "It as good. We talked and he said he was scared that he wasn't going to find me in time." I tell her. "Damn." she says. "Yeah but I made him feel better." I tell her with a little smirk. "How'd you do that?" she asked. "We had sex here on the gazebo." I tell her and she burst out laughing. "Never saw that coming from you." she tells me. "I know. He just brings out something in me you know?" I say. "Yeah. I can tell. You seem more confident and happier." she tells me. "I am. He's been so good for me. I can't wait until the weekend when the kids get here.

A few days later, Nero is pulling up the driveway. Jax and I are standing there at the bottom of the steps waiting. Nero gets out and Jax walks over to him and they hug. "How you been ese?" he asked. "Good man. Real good." he says and motions me over. "Nero, this is my Old Lady Echo. Babe, this is my friend Nero." We shake hands and Nero moves to the door. Opening the door, we see a little boy get out that looks just like Jax. "Daddy!" he yells and runs into Jax's arms. "Hey Monster. I missed you." he tells Abel. Nero walks over holding another little boy. Handing him to Jax, he lays his head down on Jax's shoulder and Jax kisses the top of his head. "Abel, Thomas, this is Echo. Echo, these are my boys." he introduces us. Abel reaches out his hand and I shake it. "She's pretty daddy." Abel says and I smile. "Well, thank you Abel. You're a cutie too." I say. "You guys ready to see your new rooms?" Jax asked and they both nod their heads.

We walk into the house and Nero follows. While Jax shows the boys around, Nero and I are in the kitchen getting coffee. "So, how are you adjusting to all this?" he asked. "Good. I was told years ago that I would never have kids so having them here is a blessing for me too." I tell him. He smiles and says "Abel was talking all the way here about how he was getting a new mommy. Jax tell you about his past?" he asked. "Yeah. He told me all of it. The club, Tara, all of it." I tell him. "He tell you about Gemma?" he asked. "Yeah. He did. I'm sorry for your loss Nero. Jax said you cared about her." I say. "I did but I get why he had to do it." he tells me.

Jax walks into the kitchen and we say our goodbyes to Nero. "Please don't be a stranger. You're welcome here anytime." I tell him. "Thank you. I'll see you around." he says before leaving. Looking at the boys, I ask "Are you guys hungry?" They both nod their heads yes and I start lunch. The four of us are sitting down eating when Abel asks "Can we call you mommy?" I look at him and say "You can call me Echo or mommy. Whichever you are comfortable with." I tell him. "I think I'll call you mommy." I say. "Me too." Thomas says. I smile and Jax leans over and kisses me softly and says "See. Told you it would be good."

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