Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

Pulling up to the house, we are getting things out of the back of the truck when we see a familiar car pull in. Great. Carrying bags to the porch, Carter gets out of his car. "What do you want Carter?" I asked, sighing. "I wanted to talk to you. Can we talk alone?" he asked. "I'll take these things inside. Want me to call Jax?" she asked. "No. I got this." I tell her. She walks inside and I cross my arms over my chest and say "Talk." He looks at me and says "I wanted to talk to you about us getting back together. I miss you. I'm so sorry for everything." he pleads his case. "Carter, I told you, it's not gonna happen. I'm with Jax. I'm living with Jax. I'm gonna be helping him raise his boys. We are never getting back together." I tell him. "What will it take to change your mind?" he asked. "Nothing you can do will change my mind. I want to be with Jax. Not you." I tell him and start to walk into the house. He grabs my arm and says "I won't give up until I have you back. You belong to me. Not him. He's only using you to have someone take care of his kids for him. I know that type. Once he gets what he wants, he'll be out there fucking anything with two legs. Hell, you couldn't even keep me faithful. What makes you think you can keep him?" he asked. "You need to leave." I tell him. "Fine. But I won't stop until I have you back." he says before getting into his car and leaving. I walk out to the stables and get Rayne and head out to clear my head.

I had been sitting down at the streams for a couple of hours when I hear another horse ride up. Looking up, I see Kari on Thunder. She walks over and climbs up on the rock next to me. "You wanna tell me why you're out here?" she asked. "I'm okay." I say. "Bull shit. You only come out here when you need to be close to Daddy and that's usually when things start getting to you. Talk." she says. I feel the tears start to fall again and she puts her arms around me. "It's okay." she says. "No it's not." I tell her. "What did Carter say?" she asked. "Just telling me that he isn't gonna stop until I come back to him. Telling me that I belong to him, not Jax. Saying that I couldn't even keep him faithful and that Jax is using me and when he gets what he wants that he will start cheating on me too." I tell her and start to sob harder. "I wish Daddy were here. He'd know what to say." I tell her. "No, he'd already have a bullet in Carter's head and the grave dug." she tells me and we start to laugh a little. "Yeah, he would." I say. "You know Carter only said that to put this doubt in your head. Jax wouldn't do that to you." she tells me. "I never thought Carter would either and we see how well that turned out." I tell her. "Come on. Let's head home." she tells me. "I think I'm just gonna sit a little longer. Get my head together. I'll be there shortly." I tell her. "Okay. Just don't let him get in your head." she tells me and I just nod. She climbs down off the rock and heads back to the house.

After sitting there a while longer, I notice it's starting to get dark. I climb down from the rock and mount Rayne and head back to the stables. After getting back, I start brushing Rayne. I hear someone walk up and I know it's Jax. "Hey." he says. "Hey." I say without looking at him. "You okay?" he asked. "Yeah. Just needed to clear my head." I tell him. "Wanna talk about it?" He asked, not really pushing me. "I'm okay. Just, Jax?" I asked. "Yeah babe." he says. "Cheatings a dealbreaker for me." I say. He walks over to me and pulls me to him. Tilting my head to look at him, he says "I'd never do that to you. I promise." I nod and pull away from him. "Kari told me what Carter said. He's wrong you know." he says. "I hope so. It's just, he voiced my worst fear." I say. "What's that?" he asked. "Not being enough." I tell him, still not looking at him. He cups my face and says "I never thought, after losing Tara, that I would love anyone again. But I do. I love you and want you. You are more than enough. You're my Old Lady and gonna help me raise my kids. You are more than I deserve. You know my past and still you love me. Still you let me in, gave me a place to stay and will be a mother to my boys. Sweetheart, I could never repay you for that. I will never betray you but I will promise you this. He comes near my Old Lady again and I'm handling him next time." he says before kissing me. "I love you Jax. I just let him get in my head and I shouldn't have." I tell him. "Well, don't. And when he tries, I'll be here to remind you how much I love you and want you. Only you." he tells me. I lay my head on his chest and he just holds me close. "Let's head in the house. Spend some time just us." he says as he leads me back to the house.

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