Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

After lunch Jax asks "You guys wanna see the farm?" Abel and Thomas both nod their heads yes. Thomas reaches for me and I take him from Jax. I see Jax smile as he lays his head on my shoulder. "I got you baby boy." Jax takes Abel's hand and we walk out to the barn and show them the horses. "This one here is Thunder, and this is Rayne." I tell them. "They're pretty." Abel says. "Wanna pet them?" Jax asks and both boys smile. We move down a little farther and I say "These two are younger than mine and Daddy's horses. We just got them for you two." I say. "Really?" Abel asks. "Yeah Monster. Wanna name them?" Jax asks and Abel's eyes light up. "Nelly." Abel says. "I like that one Buddy." I look at Thomas and ask "You wanna name yours?" He looks at the horse and says "Bunny." I look at him and say "Bunny it is." I say. Jax leans over and kisses me softly. After showing the boys around and showing them the animals, we head back to the house.

That evening, I'm cooking dinner when Kari and Jacob walk in. "Hey. How'd it go with the boys today?" she asked. "Good. Really good. They named their horses. Nelly and Bunny." I tell her. "That's great." She tells me. "Jacob, can you tell the boys it's time to eat?" I asked. He nods and heads into the living room to get Jax and the boys. Once we are all in the kitchen, we sit to eat. "Boys, this is your Aunt Kari and your Uncle Jacob." Jax tells the boys. We start eating and after a few minutes Abel asks "Mommy, can I have more milk?" I smile and say "Yeah baby." I kiss the top of his head and get my boy more milk. After dinner, Kari is helping me clean the kitchen. "Abel had no problem calling you mommy did he?" she asked smiling. "I know. I never thought I'd have anyone call me mommy." I tell her and I feel a tear fall down my face. Kari pulls me to her and all of a sudden I hear Abel ask "Mommy, are you okay?" I turn to look at him and sit on the chair. I pull him to me and say "Yeah baby. These are happy tears." I tell him. "You're happy?" he asked. "Very happy." I say before pulling him onto my lap. "Baby, I never thought I'd be a mommy. You, your brother and your daddy have made me so happy." I tell him. He hugs me and says "I'm happy too mommy." I look at Kari to see her wipe a tear away.

That night, the four of us are in the living room watching a movie. Abel is snuggled into Jax's side while I am snuggled into the other with Thomas curled into my lap. I look down and see both boys are sleeping. I stand up with Thomas and carry him to his room, and tuck him into bed. Kissing the top of his head, he snuggles into his stuffed frog that I bought for him. Walking out of Thomas's room, Jax is carrying Abel to his room. I follow him in and as he tucks Abel in, we hear him say "Night mommy. Night Daddy." before he falls back to sleep.

Walking out to the gazebo with a glass of wine and Jax with his beer, we have the monitors with us. I'm snuggled up to Jax and neither of us are saying anything. "You okay?" he asked. "Yeah. Just thinking." I tell him. "Talk to me." he says. I sit up and say "When Kari and I were cleaning the kitchen, Abel saw me crying." he looks at me concerned. "They were happy tears. I pulled him to my lap and said I didn't think I'd ever be a mommy but him and Thomas calling me mommy made me really happy." I tell him. He just smiles. "He's such a good kid. They both are." I tell him. "I noticed Thomas didn't have any problem falling asleep in your lap." he says and I just smile. "I finally have my family." I tell him before kissing him softly.

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