Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

The next morning, Kari knocks on my door and says "Breakfast is done." and walks away like she does every morning. "Jax. Hey. Breakfast is done. Time to get up." I whisper as I place kisses to his chest. Opening his eyes, he smiles at me and kisses me softly. "Morning babe." he says before kissing me again. "Morning." I say. He looks at me, concerned as I look away from him. "Hey. You okay?" he asked. I look at him and kiss him softly. "Yeah. I'm good." I say. "You're not changing your mind about us are you?" he asked. I snap my eyes up to meet his. "No. I'm not. Not at all. Just, I think it's all hitting me that I'm actually going to have a family." I say. Smiling he says "Yeah babe. You're getting your family." I kiss him softly and then we start getting dressed.

Heading into the kitchen, we walk in together and Jacob is grabbing his plate as we walk in. "Morning guys." Kari says. "Morning." Jax and I say at the same time. Sitting down to eat, I ask Jacob, "Do you have class today?" He looks up at me and says "No. You need me?" I nod. "If you will, I need you to help Jax today. I need to head back into town to get more decor and more paint for the boys' rooms." I say. "Rooms? I thought they were sharing a room?" Kari asked. "Yeah, uh, Jax is moving into my room." I tell her and she smirks at me. "So, are you two together now?" Jacob asked. "Yeah. We are." Jax says before kissing me softly. "Good." Kari says and we all smile. "Hey, this means, you get your family." she says excitedly. "Yeah. It does." I say. We finish eating and I help Kari clean up the kitchen while the guys finish getting ready for work. We get our coffee to go to the gazebo for our morning ritual of watching the sun come up but Kari and Jacob join us this time. "What themes are you thinking for the boys?" Kari asks. "I was thinking motorcycles for Abel and maybe trucks for Thomas." I say and look up at Jax since I am leaning against him. "That's fine with me." he tells me. "I hear you used to ride?" Jacob asks. "Yeah. I did." Jax says. "I found an old knucklehead, that needs to be rebuilt. I can get a good deal on it and can help rebuild it if you want to look at it." Jacob says. "That would be great man." Jax says. I look up at him smiling and see that he actually looks happy. Kari and Jacob head inside to give us a few minutes and I sit up, looking at him, I ask, "Are you happy here? I mean..." I start and he cuts me off. "I'm happy here. I'm happy with you and my boys will be too." he tells me before kissing me softly. I snuggle up against him until Jacob comes out ready to get started. I take Jax's coffee cup and go to head in the house but he grabs my hand and kisses me again before heading out to get some work done.

Kari and I head into town and are in one of the shops, looking at decor for the boys' rooms. "This is so cute. Isn't this a Harley?" Kari asks. "I think it is. Jax showed me some pictures of him and Abel and this looks like the bike that was in one of the pictures." I tell her. "Let's get it." she tells me. "The frame is big enough to be able to decorate. Do you think it would look right with his name hand painted?" I asked. "Yeah. Look here's one the same size of a truck that looks like Daddy's. We can put Thomas' name on it." she says. "That's a great idea." I say. We look through more things and she asks "So, Jax?" I smile and say "Yeah. Jax." She smiles and hugs me. "I am so glad you are happy and I get two nephews to spoil." she says. I start laughing and say "Us being next door to each other, they can run back and forth between our houses." I tell her. All of a sudden, we turn a corner and there stands Dana. "Hey Echo. How have you been?" she asked and I see her holding a baby in her arms. "I'm good Dana." I say. "I guess you heard about me and Carter?" she asked. "Yeah." I say simply. "I bet that makes you happy that he's come back to you." she says. "He didn't come back to me. Even if he did, I'm seeing someone." I tell her. "Really? Who?" she asks. "Why do you want to know? Gonna try to steal another one of her boyfriends?" Kari asks. "Well, we both know that she won't keep this one. Men want someone to have a family with." Dana says snarkily. Before I could respond, Jax and Jacob walk up behind us. "Good thing this one comes with a family." Jax says, wrapping his arms around my waist from behind. I smile at her and say "We better get going. Gotta get more things for the kids. Can't say that it's nice to see you." I smile before turning to Jax and Jacob. "What are you guys doing here?" I asked. "Had to pick up some materials. Found another weak spot in the fence." he says and I nod. Jax looks in our cart and says "The boys will love these. This one looks like my old bike." Jax says. "I remembered the pictures you showed me. We are going to paint their names on the frames." I say. "That'll look good babe." Jax says. "We better get going so we can get that fence done before dark." Jacob says and Jax nods. Kissing me softly he says "We'll see you at home, babe." I smile and say "See you at home." They walk away and Kari looks at me and says "Hot and sweet. Lucky bitch." I start laughing and we finish our shopping and head home to our men.

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