Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

The next morning, Jax, Abel, Thomas and I are sitting at the table eating when there's a knock at the door. Jax answers the door and Nero walks in. "Hey brother." Jax says. "Hey man. Lawyer asked me to drop these off. They're the papers you requested. Said all you have to do is sign them and he would get them filed." Nero says as they walk into the kitchen. "Abel, Thomas, why don't you two go watch tv while Mommy and I talk to Uncle Nero." Jax says and Abel takes Tommy's hand and they leave the room. "What's going on?" I asked. "Come here." he says. I walk over and he pulls me into his lap. "Nero's lawyer drew up papers for us making you a legal guardian over the boys." he explains. Nero puts the papers in front of me and I sign them and so does Jax. "Well, I'll get these to the lawyer and they will mail you your copies." he says. We say our goodbyes before he leaves.

Walking into the living room, Abel looks at Jax and asks "Uncle Nero gone?" Jax nods and Abel goes back to the show he was watching. We sit on the couch and Thomas walks over with his sippy cup and says "More juice Mommy?" I get up to get it and he follows me into the kitchen. I look and see Jax watching us. I hand him his cup and he says "Thank you Mommy." I can never get enough of him saying that.

The next few months go by and everything has fallen into place. Abel is in school and doing great. Thomas is getting bigger and smarter everyday. Jax and I are planning our wedding while Kari breaks the news that she's pregnant. Live could not get any better. I have my family and for once, I'm truly happy.

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