Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

Kari, Jax and Jacob run back to the house and Jax asked. "You know where he lives?" Kari nods and they get into the truck. Pulling up to Carter's house, the guys get out and Jacob says "Stay in the truck. No matter what, don't get out of this truck." Kari just nods. The guys pull out guns and Jax goes to the back while Jacob goes to the front. No one's home. They come back to the truck. "You know anywhere else he could have taken her?" Jax asked Kari. "No but I know who will know." she says and they head to the next stop.

Pulling up to Dana's house, Kari says, "You guys stay back. She'll be more prone to talk to me." They nod. Kari knocks on the door and Dana answers. "Kari. What are you doing here?" she asked looking past Kari to Jax and Jacob. "Have you see Carter?" Kari asked. "No. Why?" Dana asked. "He took Echo." Kari says. "Shit. Have you checked his house?" Dana asked. "Yeah. No one's there. Is there anywhere else he could have taken her?" Kari asked. "When he found out I was pregnant, he bought us a house. He had the basement made sound proof for a mancave so that the noise wouldn't disturb the baby. He could be there." she tells Kari. "Do you have that address?" Jax asked. "Yeah. Come in. I'll get it." Dana says. They all walk inside and she writes down the address. "When you find her, please tell her I'm sorry...for everything." Dana says. Jax just nods before they walk out the door.

Pulling up to the address, it's starting to get dark and we can see movement in the house. "Kari, you stay here. When we get her, we'll send her out. As soon as you see her, lead her to the truck and stay low." Jax says. Kari nods and the guys head to the house.

I'm still tied to the chair in the basement and Carter is down here with me. I see him pacing. "What do you want, Carter?" I asked trying to keep him distracted from his plan. "I want you back. I want to marry you." he tells me. "That's never going to happen, Carter." I tell him. He gets in my face. "If I can't have you, Jax won't either. You think I'm just gonna let you go and let you have your happy little life with him? You are either with me or you're dead." he tells me. "And then what? You kill me and you still won't have me." I tell him. "No baby. If you aren't with me, we die together." he tells me, kneeling in front of me. "I love you so much. I miss you like crazy. I know I cheated but it won't happen again. I promise. I only married Dana because she was pregnant and I thought it was mine." he tells me. "Carter, you hurt me. You made me feel like I wasn't good enough. I can't help that I can't give you babies. But that didn't give you the right to cheat on me. I don't love you. I love Jax. He's good to me. Please just let me be happy." I try to plead with him. He stands up and backhands me. "You are either with me or we are both dead." he tells me and I don't say anything else.

Carter storms out of the room and it's all silent. I hear something hit against the door and I jump. All of a sudden, Jacob comes running into the room. He unties me and leads me out the back door. "Kari's in the truck. Go." he tells me before heading back inside to help Jax with Carter. Twenty minutes later, Jax and Jacob come out of the house. I jump out of the truck and into Jax's arms, sobbing. "I got you baby. You're safe." he tells me as he rubs his hand up and down my back. I look up at him. "I didn't think I'd see you again." I tell him. "I will always come for you. Never forget that." he tells me before kissing me softly. He tightens his arms around me, pulling me closer. "Let's head home." Jacob says.

We head back to the house and as soon as we are inside, I head to the shower. I didn't want to tell Jax what happened. Standing in the shower, I start to sob. He was going to kill me. I'm leaned, facing the wall in the shower when I feel Jax's arms wrap around me from behind. Turning to face him, I bury my face in his bare chest. He tilts my face up and kisses me softly. Something came over me and I deepen the kiss. He picks me up and puts me against the wall and enters me slowly. Thrusting in and out at a slow pace, all the while, whispering how much he loves me. Once we both reach our release, we clean off and head to bed. Lying in bed, my head on his chest, I think that had they been just a little bit later, he would have found my body instead of rescuing me. I snuggle closer to him and he tilts my head up and says "Talk to me babe." I pull away from him a little and sit up. He sits up next to me and I say "He told me that he wanted me back and if I didn't take him back that he would kill me and then himself." I tell Jax. "Baby, I will never let that happen to you. I will always do everything in my power to keep you and our kids safe." he says. I kiss him and say "I love you Jax." Laying back down together he says "I love you too Echo. Never forget that."

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