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'Yet whatever gains I had, these I have come to regard as loss because of Christ.'
Philippians 3:7

Some of us might think : why does St.Paul say that all his gains are losses due to Christ?
The answer is because St.Paul knows that the ultimate powerful prize or gain he could have is Jesus himself. So anything compared to him is nothing at all. Therefore they're just a loss. There is no use in the gains he has in this world becuase they are absolutely nothing compared to Jesus.
He also says that he wants lose all he has, to be like Him. He doesn't want justice through the law of the world, but the law of Christ based on faith. So ultimately, he could attain heaven.

My dearest friends, this is exactly the mindset we need to have. Know that the world, and what it has to offer to us is nothing compared to the knowledge of Christ. The worldy pleasures we see everyday are just temptations ready to devour us. Yhis does not mean that you shouldn't enjoy what you have, no, it means to not indulge in it. Not fall in it too far that you can't even get up again. But remember that God only allows temptations on us, that we can bare. So whenever you feel like 'God this is too much' remember that you have the power to control yourself. Your mind  gives up faster than your body does, so remember to control them together.
May God bless you ❤

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