[W] Ace Ain't All That #45

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You know what I mean - the gays have their rallies and their parades, the straights get to kiss and hold hands out in public, but the aces? It's a little more complicated, I think. 

There ain't any honor in bein' ace. There ain't anythin' to be proud of. Sure, you get to date sometimes, an' all the boys say they like ya, but, truthful, they only want sex. They think you're holdin' out on 'em, an' it's excitin' for a little while, but then they realise that you're jus' like that, that you ain't holdin' out anythin', and they lose interest.

One of 'em once told me I made 'im feel like a rapist. He was gettin' handsy an' I told 'im no, an' he got angry - said I made 'im feel like he was violatin' me jus' by bein' with me. That one hurt me, but least they ain't all like that. Most jus' get frustrated an' leave. It's easier that way, for 'em, but every time they take a piece of me with, like a souvenir. 

Ironic, ain't it? To think they can take something more special than my virginity, an' take it every time. After a while, you start thinkin' there's gotta be somethin' wrong with you, that you ain't natural to be like that. You go through the same thing the gays and transvestites go through, but it ain't as easy as acceptin' yourself an' comin' out. You don't know what you are or how to be. I felt that way, but I'm 'ere to tell ya that's bullshit. There ain't nothin' wrong with you. It's the world that's wrong.

Ace ain't all that, but at least ya know when you find real love. Real love stays with you anyways.

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