[R] A Dedication To VexHellfire

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When I first saw you in the contests, honestly, I thought you were way too cool for me. (Turns out, you are.)

I was judging stuff and writing reviews, and then I saw your review book. You were way cooler than me.

"Phayre enuff," I told myself.

Somehow we became frendz. Yay!

I shared my music with you. You did music too. What a doozy, you were so bloody cool dude.

You helped me write one of my greatest books to date. How very dare you? It was cool of you, though.

But we're friends, and I come to realise that we're the least cool people, objectively. But we have fun. We make shenanigans. We're cool to me. That's important.

I once had a complete emotional breakdown at well past midnight and you were cool about it. Thanks for help, bro. I'm better now.

You're smart. I like that you like math like I like math.

Also you encourage me to do stupid things cuz maybe at some point they might we worth something.

And if you, an existential dread-filled demon can believe in something I can make, then maybe I can too. That's pretty cool of you.

I think we invest way too much time in scheming, but the process is it's own reward. How cool are we?

I hope cool things happen to you. I'll try to be cool for you like you were cool for me.

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