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While we wait, the crescent pantheon of stone-faced gods murmer of virtues and vices among themselves. 

A loud sigh rises from the eastern area, and the headless goddess rises, blood flowing from her neck. "Sacrifice!" Chhinnamasta announces, and the others grumble. The serpent goddess rises in the west.

"I agree! Blood must flow!" Coatlicue cries.

Ameterasu stands slowly, timidly. "No, it is not the time. They clamour for the sun." The goddess next to her, Juno, scoffs, and stares. 

"What of Justice, Liberty, and Death?" Forsethi cries from the corner, banging his fit on the counter.

A giggle floats from the crowd, and Odin nudges Dionysus, who halts the laughter and sings out, "Drunkard!" Forsethi seethes. "Nothing but a melodramatic inebriate, you!" Dionysus continues, but Odin shoves him back into his chair.

The pantheon is silent, then Hecate raises a skeletal fist - so does Hel - and the meaning is clear. The end by the godesses of death. 

"No, no!" Thoth shakes his head. "I propose a gamble, a sort of -"

"Enough!" Quetzalcoatl demands. "The feather!" Ma'at rises at his side.

"The end based on virtue," she agrees.

Loki scoffs, and kicks his boots out on the counter. "What virtue?"

The voices flood.

"Art, honor!" Apollo cries.

"Grace, Love?" Isis sings.

Pluto leans forward. "Greed," he pines.

"Silence!" Odin demands.

The crescent pantheon of stone-faced gods quieten down, and murmur of virtues and ices among themselves. 

Loki smiles.

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